We're Continuing to Help
During COVID-19

Dear Friends of Family Promise,

The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic affect everyone, including homeless families and people who are hungry. Family Promise is in the business of helping all those people, and we are continuing to do that even in these trying days.
Network, New Leaf, and Post Shelter Programs
We are continuing to help families experiencing homelessness:
A week ago, the rotating Network closed until further notice when the last family was able to move in with a friend, reducing their risk of exposure. We had moved the family to the Family Center with the help of volunteers from Christ Episcopal Church in Ridgewood but realized even those arrangements made the family and volunteers vulnerable.
Our case managers continue to work with the families from the Network, New Leaf Apartment, and Post Shelter programs via Zoom and by phone each day. Families are exploring online courses to make the most of the opportunity this time has given them. As challenges of employment, childcare, and food security arise, our case managers are available to help find solutions.
We also just accepted a mom and three children with no place to go. They are eager to be a part of our Network program so we are supporting them as they stay at a motel. Case management will be virtual as we do what we can to help this family.
And we are continuing our workshops for the families, albeit virtually. In fact, the families have been clear in their desire to keep the workshops going. "I always get something I need" said one participant, "but now we really need to support each other during this difficult time.”
A very different environment, but Family Promise is there for those who need help. This is what we do.
Executive Director, Kate Duggan explains some of the extraordinary challenges facing homeless families during COVID-19 in an article which appeared in NorthJersey.com over the weekend and The Record today. Read the article here.
Walk-in Dinner Program
The nightly Walk-in Dinner is being held with a few changes. As an attempt to keep the virus out of the shelter, the County determined that only shelter residents will be served meals in the dining room. However, our commitment to feeding the community continues. We provide approximately 40 – 50 take-out meals nightly to those who live locally and are in need of a free meal.
Unfortunately, some groups are unable to serve the dinners, and some cannot provide the food. 
When needed, Family Promise buys the dinner and Family Promise Staff and Board, along with the team from Friendship House, make sure those who are hungry are fed.
And, Something Out of the Box
The Department of Health referred a family, a 70-year old mom and her 50-year old daughter to us. They simply needed food, and it was Friday afternoon and no one could help them. Family Promise did . . . and we delivered bags of food to them last week. This is NOT what we do . . . wait—it IS what we do when people call on us. Because we accept almost no government funding, and because we really care, we answer the phone and see what we can do.
The challenges of COVID-19 affect everyone. Now more than ever, Family Promise is here for homeless families and people who are hungry. 

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