Protect Home Rule

Hello Michael,

Power is the capacity or ability to influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Politics encompasses the activities associated with the governance of a jurisdiction, such as a city, county, state, or nation, and the debate or conflict among individuals or “parties” seeking power. I am seeking power at the state level so I can return power back to you at the local level in Florida’s cities and counties. The current administration in Tallahassee has robbed the local government of its authority and responsibility. This is unacceptable and cannot stand.

Many of us belong to “Not for Profit” organizations such as a Chamber of Commerce, a trade association, a labor union, or some other special interest group. Government itself is a special interest group. I am a Florida REALTOR. Special interest groups rightfully advocate for the benefit of their members.

While these Not for Profit, Special Interest, institutions have done great good, they have also done great harm to the State of Florida and our nation. The Live Local Act is an example of the great harm that the Special Interests sponsoring and advancing the Live Local Act have done to the State of Florida. The Second President of the United States of America and Founding Father John Adams said, Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

The Book of Leviticus chapter and verse 19:18 says, “You will not avenge or bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you will love your neighbor as yourself. I Am the LORD!” G-d’s instruction to man is repeated in the book of Mark chapter and verse 12:31.

After stating that man is to love God with all his heart and strength, Mark 12:31 says, “This is second, “You will love your neighbor as yourself.” The Live Local Act tramples on the private property rights of the citizens who built the State of Florida and Lake County; all of the multi-generational families who are citizens of the State of Florida.

The Live Local Act offers a 75% tax abatement for property owners and developers who agree to offer their properties to low-income tenants as defined in Florida statutes. The City of Gainesville is already on the record stating that the Live Local Act puts the city’s financial condition in peril. Is the Florida Legislature and the executive branch of government trying to improve the quality of life in the State of Florida, or destroy it?

Are Florida’s special interests willing to destroy the quality of life in Florida for financial gain at the expense of their neighbors? I hope not. Remember, the Biden-Harris administration recently shipped approximately 400,000 criminal migrants into Florida in airplanes! There are approximately one million criminal migrants in Florida.

Money and power are near irresistible motivators. I am a seasoned, professional real estate broker. Lake County and Florida House District 26 have a lot of vacant land. The wheels are already in motion. Landowners are developing engineering plans to maximize the allowable density of residential housing units on the properties they own. The Lake County Property Appraiser’s Office already received thirty applications for the 75% tax exemption associated with the affordable housing tax credit. Thousands of acres of vacant land in Florida will be rezoned for affordable housing over the next twenty-four months.

Unlimited density, offered under the Live Local Act, and the most favorable tax accommodations make affordable housing a cash cow. Live Local Act incentives are spawning millions of units of affordable housing in Florida. Low-income migrants from within the United States and from foreign countries are pouring into Florida in search of affordable housing. The demand for Florida real estate is spiking causing real estate values in Florida to spike along with it. Only the rich and low-income households will be able to live in Florida. The suburban middle class will soon cease to exist. Take a look at California!

There are three candidates, currently filed, seeking the Florida State Representative District 26 position; myself included. Both of my opponents openly support the Live Local Act. Join me in defeating the self-serving, special interests-controlled, cartel candidates and their overlords who are crushing quality of life in Florida.

I need your financial support.

Arrange a Meet the Candidate event in your home or community.

Allow me to place a sign on your property

Donate Here:

Join us at the Meet the Candidate Event in Leesburg on April 25th

For Florida,

Mike Levine

Candidate for State Representative

Florida House District 26


While these endorsements are an honor and a blessing, it is your support and vote that matters the most!

I encourage you to reach out to me by email or on my personal cellphone number if you have any questions or concerns regarding my campaign, events, or anything at all.


☎️ (407) 973-2354