November Newsletter
November 28, 2020
Meet Jean Phelix Joseph
English Teacher at Ecole du Village

"I am Jean Phelix Joseph, a former student at the American University of Les Cayes (AUC). I have taught English for more than 13 years and I have also been an English translator for many medical missionary groups.

I teach English in École du Village to grades 4th, 5th, and 6th. I am teaching students the English alphabet, counting, how to introduce themselves, and greetings such as: hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon and so on. They are learning how to read in English and I am also teaching them English songs. The students at Ecole du Village love to learn English and sing songs. 

They are ALL very interested in the course!

Unfortunately after class, the students do not have any opportunity to practice their English. In the future, I would like to set up an English conversation club with all the students that are in the English class at École Du Village."

We are very thankful for Jean Phelix Joseph who is giving the children of Ile-a-Vache more opportunities to further their education and have a brighter future.

CLICK HERE to see a video of Jean Phelix teaching his students.
The Kay Project fundraiser, sponsored by the Taylor Moxey Foundation and Flying High for Haiti, is up and going!

The KAY PROJECT is an arts and library center where children will be creative and feel happy and safe!

The goal is to build a viable and super functional building that Educates, Encourages, and Empowers the students at Ecole du Village, which will empower the Ile-a-Vache community. 

Want to see how the Kay center will look? Go to, and every tile you select and donate will help unveil the Kay center's vision!

We have raised $3,440 out of our goal of $12,000!

One hundred percent of your donation will go directly towards the purchase of building materials, books, and art supplies that will make this vision a reality. 

Thank you for your generosity and for changing the lives of the children in Ile-a-Vache!