Upcoming Events
Spring is here!

We are excited to announce that we are re-opening on Tuesday, March 30th. Please note that our new hours are Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4pm. Read the press release here to see what other facilities are opening. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines, Flight School will remain closed and pre-registration is required. We are still offering other interactives for you to enjoy!

In order to visit, you must have a pgparks direct account. You can create an account and register to visit here! Tickets are available up to two weeks in advance. For more information on how to register, please view this registration guide.

If you are a member or have a guest pass, please call the museum at 301-864-6029 or e-mail us at collegeparkaviation@pgparks.com for registration guidance.

With re-opening, some of our programs are going to be in-person and outside. For more information on what programs are outside e-mail collegeparkaviation@pgparks.com.

April Events

3rd, 10:30am- Cub Corner: Thank You Bees and build your own bee!

10th, 11:00am-Scout Day: Sustainability

17th, 11:00am- Engineering 101: Pollution Protection: Cleaning our Air Challenge

28th, 6:00p- Tails of Flight Virtual Tour