Gluten Free Home Brewing

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Just Days Away...

Caramel 50L Millet Malt - The notes of caramel, honey, roast and breakfast cereal in this new caramel malt fills that much needed gap between the original Caramel Millet Malt and Caramel 90L Millet Malt.

Pilsner Millet Malt - This slightly sweet and bready light colored base malt is sure to be a big player in your gluten-free beer recipes.

Grouse Malt House Amber Ale

After nearly three weeks away from the business, there is a lot of catching up to do. We are excited that our staff were able to keep the orders moving out and into your hands.

Meanwhile, the GMH quality team crafted this Amber Ale to showcase their specialty and roasted malts. We are excited to see an exceptional malt such as Red-Wing Millet Malt making a statement.

Jun Kombucha SCOBY

Most of our GFHB customers are unable to visit our store in person. However, our local customers have been asking for many months if we could get the Jun Kombucha SCOBY. After much searching, we are excited to now offer the highly requested Jun Kombucha SCOBY!

Jun Kombucha is brewed with green tea and honey, and is often called " the champagne of kombucha".

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