We are DPS. And we are here for our kids.
If you ask another teammate what brought them to DPS, chances are their answer will have something to do with our kids. Our students are the reason we do what we do every day -- and we have a lot of them depending on us.

DPS has over 90,000 students across our city in about 205 schools. They speak over 170 languages, with 33,500 learning English as a second language. Through DPS Transportation, our kids travel about 17,000 miles in total each day to get to school, where they eat almost 47,000 lunches every day. And through it all, there is one Team DPS to support them along the way.

No matter our role -- from teachers to finance partners to custodians to family liaisons -- we all have an impact on our students. Watch this video about bus driver Pedro Lopez to see how he knows his job is building brighter futures.

Our job is to show up every day for our kids -- to motivate them, support them and help them achieve their dreams. 
Shout Out
We are here for our kids, and we know they give us a lot in return, too. This week, we want to know:

How have our kids impacted you?

Share your DPS shout out and a picture on social media using #WeAreDPS or email Our_DPSvalues@dpsk12.org . One winner will receive a Team DPS jersey! And be sure to follow along on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .
  • Learn more about one of our Denver Plan goals, supporting the Whole Child, to help provide equitable and inclusive environments where we ensure students are healthy, supported, engaged, challenged, safe, and socially and emotionally intelligent.

  • Support our students in foster care and those experiencing homelessness by visiting DPS Child Services to see giving opportunities. Right now, team members can donate $10 to go toward a birthday card and birthday gift certificate for students in foster care on their big day. 
We are DPS Voices: Teammate Shout Out
Last week, we asked you to give a shout out to a DPS team member who helped you accomplish something great together. Congratulations to the winners of our DPS jerseys, Kristie Burke and Julie Waugh of Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy , and read all of the shout outs here .

“#WEAREDPS is often lived by KCAA's very own Julie Waugh . This person is commitment to students first at all times. She gives up afterschool time to run the student store, promotes positive culture by organizing assemblies, and is always an advocate/champion for the students in need of more.” - Kristie Burke, Teacher at Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy

“Shout out to Sarah Weaver , third-grade literacy teacher at Cory, who shared a literacy NPR podcast with me. We are now sharing the podcast with all the parents at our school and revising the way we teach literacy to better meet the needs of all our learners. Thanks for being on top of current literacy research, Sarah. You helped the whole school.” - Sarah Clark, Senior Team Lead at Cory Elementary
“Mr. Chad Cook and Ms. Emmy Mansur from College View Elementary School decided to put students first by coaching soccer in the afterschool program. They did not know anything about that sport but they knew that it was going to be a life-changing experience for most of our students.” - Alexander León Guzmán, Math Interventionist at College View Elementary
“We wanted to take the opportunity to recognize Paul Iwancio for exhibiting the DPS Shared Core Value of Collaboration. Paul is the master behind the scenes who carefully and intentionally designs screencasts, videos and a million other creative things to support our schools. When you collaborate with Paul, you know you are going to learn a lot, as he challenges those that create content to think outside the box about the audience, in order to ensure there is engagement and buy-in with whatever topic is being presented.” - Karen Buelow, Denise Harasim and Jennifer Harris, Human Resources
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