Sundog Media | Thanksgiving 2020 | Bright Spots
Happy (and Healthy) Thanksgiving

Charles Dickens once said, “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” For many of us, this year it's particularly challenging to reflect and build that list of gratitude. But as Charles pointed out, whatever the number of our misfortunes, our blessings are more.

It's our family tradition at the Thanksgiving feast to take turns sharing a few things for which we are especially thankful. Even with all the challenges across the globe - and there are many - I still have quite a list ready to share.

Here are a few at the top -

1. A healthy and happy family - truly one of my biggest blessings.

2. Our work at Sundog. Our team is so blessed to be able to work from our homes and serve our clients.

3. I am thankful for you. It's humbling that our wonderful clients trust us to manage their websites and keep the internet presence strong for each of their businesses.

4. And, last but not by any means least, I am thankful for God’s protection on each of us and our loved ones.

I truly hope you have a joyous Thanksgiving. May your list of gratitude be long and filled with hope.

All the Best,
Recent Launches
Hilltop Ski Area
Hilltop Ski Area is a nonprofit organization that has relied on support from Alaskans since 1983, and provides loads of fun for visitors of any age. Their new website makes it easy to sign up for ski school, rent a chalet, buy tickets, and check out their terrain park. Purchase portal, donation forms, maps and web cams are all in one easy to find website. We loved working with this dynamic team to put this together. 
Sheet Metal, Inc.
Over the course of twenty-two years, SMI has become a landmark name in the industry and one of Alaska’s largest and most successful full-service, in-house, design-build mechanical contractors. We were pleased to work with this team to create a fresh new website that makes it easy for customers to find all the information they need and to connect with SMI quickly and easily.
Juneau Alliance for Mental Health, Inc. (JAMHI) provides a broad array of assistance for their surrounding community, from housing assistance to mental health and primary physical health care for folks in need. This website is not designed by us, rather we simply made some much-needed updates to function and content, and migrated them into our hosting and content services. A warm Sundog welcome to the good folks at JAMHI!
HiQ Antennas - Two Websites!
We are excited to be working with HiQ Antennas, who specializes in state-of-the-art, proven design antennas for Short (NVIS) and Long Range HF communications. We worked with this great team to create two websites, specific for their military and civilian customer bases.

"Hilltop Ski Area was in desperate need for an updated and modern website. When looking for a web designer Sundog Medias name kept coming up. From the initial meetings to the final build it was a great experience. Sundog Media was able to create for us a website that was a major upgrade. The system that they use to develop and communicate changes to the site is very user friendly and allows for a super efficient site build process. Our build was complicated in that we didn't just want to bring our old content to a new site but also provide updated and new content. There were times that I thought we couldn't possibly ask anymore questions or make changes but they were always there ready to make a change or suggest a better way to set up our content. They did a great job guiding us to a finished product that we are incredibly happy with."

Trevor Bird, General Manager

" I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
    I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 9:1 (ESV)