We Are His Hands and Feet

By Linda Wilson, Missionary-at-Large to India.

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

India continues to struggle to feed increasing numbers of our members and neighbors. In Delhi we feed 350 people twice a week. We now give them bags of rice and protein that they can use themselves for various meals. Our Church volunteers are very faithful to help feed, educate and teach about the love of God. We are His hands and feet in this part of Delhi. Thank you for the continued support that is increasingly needed. 

We were recently able to purchase a new scooter to help with all the work there. Our gift bags self-help project is still selling on Amazon India. The profits are not great but human dignity is learned.                                   

In Coimbatore the Church is having a revival and continues to grow. The third week of April the church planned for the VBS (Vacation Bible School) to begin. More than 300 leaders from our Churches in South India came for training. VBS began on the 29th of April. Last year, more than 450 children from throughout our Central Church learned about Jesus and His love. This is a huge outreach when we combine the number of all our peripheral churches.

We need many more partners as we continue to support our girls' home, boys' soccer program, feeding programs in two major cities, the final construction of our new Bible school, the expansion of many projects at the retreat center and the newest is elephant control. Yes, the elephants are returning, and we desperately need to build a stone wall to keep them out. 

Thank you for your love and support. It is my prayer that you may find it in your heart and budget to support one of these endeavors to spread the gospel in South India.

To learn more about Linda's ministry or to become a one-time or monthly donor and would like to donate, please click here.

To donate by check, please mail it to:

Open Bible Churches

2020 Bell Ave

Des Moines, IA 50315

Please write on the Note/Memo line what you are donating towards:

India Orphanages, India Girls’ Home, India Soccer Team, India Feeding Program, India Bible School, or India Elephant Control

Let us all be found faithful!

Our Global Harvest offering for 2024, is to help Acropolis Medical Centre in Trinidad. Please partner with us to help purchase special medical equipment. This will help save lives physically and spiritually. To find out more and learn how you can participate in this special offering, please click here.

Open Bible Churches | 2020 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315-1096

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