In this Util-Assist Connections Newsletter:
Watch our animated video on SecureAssist intelligent surveillance services, learn about our new consulting practice areas to serve you better, and find out how Util-Assist can help keep your team afloat.
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Traditional security cameras are a great start to protecting your facilities, but an unmonitored camera can only record an incident, not prevent it. The unique challenges of safeguarding remotely operated substations and other mission-critical utility infrastructure from theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access demand a more proactive approach.

SecureAssist is a multi-layered security solution specifically designed for utilities to protect your most valuable physical assets. Watch our new video to learn more.
Building on almost two decades of experience solving utilities’ most pressing issues, Util-Assist’s professional services division has formed four practice areas, each with deep, specialized knowledge.
Procurement: The Procurement practice area helps utilities procure best-of-breed technology solutions, from AMI to ADMS. Service offerings include business case development, RFP development, RFP evaluation and management, vendor negotiations support, and vendor contracting.
AMI Consulting: At the forefront of AMI since 2005, Util-Assist continues to help utilities deploy and integrate AMI solutions, including the “next generation” of AMI. Service offerings in the AMI Consulting practice area include strategic planning, architectural design, AMI deployment, business process engineering, change management, and systems integration (HES, MDM, CIS, and more).
Analytics: Util-Assist guides utilities through the entire analytics maturity journey from building a strong foundation in data governance to creating and implementing enterprise-wide analytics that support data-driven decisions with measurable business case benefits. Analytics service offerings include business case development, governance modelling, use case development and change management.
Meter Data Exception Management and Testing: Util-Assist analysts monitor utility data flows, resolve exceptions, and recommend system optimizations. Our testing centre of excellence provides confidence that upgrades and new releases are seamless transitions. 
Find out more.
Amid the chaos of the pandemic, we’re hearing that many of our utility clients feel like they are drowning: resources are scarce, funds are limited, and strategic initiatives are buried beneath daily workloads. A managed service provider can keep your team afloat by freeing up time and resources and letting you focus on achieving your goals.

With Util-Assist’s “CustomerAssist” managed services for utility billing, contact centre, and data analysis, you’ll get instant access to a pool of dedicated expert resources. Rather than investing in technology, infrastructure, and staff, let Util-Assist take on the heavy lifting at a fraction of the cost. Our flexible services, from hosted IT solutions to full turnkey services, can be tailored to your specific needs for short or long-term engagements. We’re here to help—contact us today.

About Util-Assist

Util-Assist’s solutions merge technology with strategy to streamline processes, boost productivity, enable data-driven business decisions, and deliver enhanced customer experiences, transforming how utilities operate and deliver value to their customers. With professional services and managed services for electric water, and gas, utilities rely on us to help them drive digital innovation that shapes the utility of the future.

Solutions. Simplified.