Dear Fellow Republicans,

It's scorecard time again.   As we prepare for the start of that dangerous time of year just one short month from now -- the 2016 legislative session at the State Capitol -- please write us as soon as possible to let HIRA know what you thought of the 2015 session.

HIRA is now preparing our annual scorecard of each and every state legislator, all 76 of them -- 51 representatives and all 25 senators. Your feedback on which legislation was the worst and best along with our research on how they all voted on these key bills will help determine a useful score for each politician as well as valuable insights about the people currently in office.

With your valuable help on this legislative scorecard project, HIRA plans to spread the word throughout 2016 using our scorecard ratings to tell everyone which politicians are willing to fight for our values, which ones are lost aimlessly in the wilderness of indifference, and which ones have thrown in with the liberal status quo.  Collectively, our voices might even influence some of these politicians to improve their performance in office because they'll know that we're all keeping an eye on them.

To come up with the best possible scorecard, HIRA needs your assistance.   We believe that you, as a Republican, should have a say in what matters, what we stand for, and in judging how well or how poorly elected officials are doing.

So, in order to make sure that HIRA's scorecard covers the widest range of important issues possible, we want to solicit your very important input right away.

Please let us know what you believe the biggest issues are as represented by bills which passed or failed during the 2015 legislative session this past Spring. 

Just e-mail us the bill number, the bill's name or even the topic of the legislation which either passed or failed along with your opinion about why legislators can and should be judged as conservative or liberal because of their votes on each bill that matters to you. The e-mail address

This project is especially important for Republicans, since our liberal state GOP leaders publicly decided in 2010 that our party should be completely neutral on the issues and has reaffirmed that terrible decision each year since then. 

HIRA hopes to hear from all Republicans across the state so we can keep politicians accountable. Remember, these politicians work for us; not the other way around.

Also, please download and enjoy your free copies of The Hawaii Republican Assembly's (HIRA) 2014 Scorecard and the American Conservative Union's (ACU) 2014 Ratings for Hawaii's legislators.  These are eye-opening reads which explain clearly why Hawaii is in so much trouble.

And please donate today to HIRA Action , the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work fixing our party and performing the work our party refuses to do:   Educating voters about 60 years of failure by Democrats so we can get Republicans elected .

Thanks in advance for your kokua and for your  generous support!

P.S.   Please contribute $10, $25, or $100 today to help HIRA hold liberals accountable and put conservatives in charge of our agenda.

P.P.S.  Please click  "Forward email"  near the bottom of this message in order to easily share this e-mail with friends and family, neighbors and co-workers.

The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of 
is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii 
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.

We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH). 
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
Please visit us at 

Hawaii Republican Assembly  | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706