#RWE2024 marks the 15th year of Running with Ed, PCEF's favorite, celebratory relay race fundraiser! Our goal is to raise $325,000 to support Classroom Grants, and we are nearly to the halfway point. Register today and help us take it to the finish line!
The shortest leg is only 1.3 miles! ANYONE AND EVERYONE can do it!
Parties at each exchange! Awesome swag including a special-edition 15th anniversary t-shirt, RWE sunglasses and more!
RWE Registration Deadlines
- April 1 - April 26: $125/person
- April 27 - May 3: $200/person
- Teachers/School Employees: $50/person
FREE if you are a PCSD employee, thanks to the Excellent Educator Program, sponsored by the Doilney and Louis families.
Register and help the PCSD school of your choice win the $5,000 Park City Mountain Grant.
Park City Mountain Grant School Standings:
- EHMS 21/701 = 3.0%
- JRES 71/407 = 17.44%
- MPES 92/399 = 23.05%
- PCHS 69/1204 = 5.73%
- PPES 136/422 = 32.22%
- TSES 82/368 = 22.28%
- TMJH 32/767 = 4.17%