Impact Connection
May, 2022

Welcome to a special edition of our Impact Connection. We are celebrating another amazing and impactful year, and preparing for even bigger and better things in 2023!
Presenting Our 2023 Grant Award Recipients!
Impact100 Metro Detroit celebrated the Big Give on Wednesday, May 18. Over 250 members and guests met, mingled and learned about the five nonprofit organizations that came out on top after our rigorous grant review process. When the member vote was over, we awarded two high-impact $100,000 grants and three $27,000 finalist awards. That's a total of $281,000 for 2022, and over ONE MILLION dollars in seven years.
Thank you, Impact100 Metro Detroit members - together we have fueled transformational change in our community.
Lighthouse of Michigan
Project: New Family Emergency Homeless Shelter

Lighthouse seeks to transform their Center Street facility into a family shelter, adding 54 emergency shelter beds dedicated to families experiencing homelessness in the community. Having a shelter specifically designed for families will create a safer, more dignified, and comfortable environment for families as they work on regaining stability. 
Midnight Golf Program
Project: College, Career, and Beyond

Midnight Golf will use the funds for its College, Career and Beyond initiative. The program pairs full-time, trained coaches with high school seniors to help with the college selection and application process, and act as mentors throughout their college education, improve graduation rates, and ensuring student success in career and life as well.
Our Finalists
Because so many women came together this year as members, together we were able to award not just the $100,000 grants. Our three finalists each received $27,000 in unrestricted funds to help them continue to make a difference. Though we would have loved to give all of our nonprofit heroes $100,000, we were thrilled that each nonprofit walked away with a big check. As Impact100 MD president Kelly Walsh noted after the event, "this wasn't an easy decision for our 281 members - we were all moved by the incredible work these organizations do in the community, and beyond impressed with the proposals we received for this year's Big Give."
Help Make 2023 Even Bigger
Join Us Today!
At the Big Give, over 50 women were so inspired by the work that local nonprofits are doing that they joined Impact100 MD on the spot! These new and returning members brought us to over 100 women who have committed to being with us for 2023.

Our goal for 2023 - $300,000 in major grants and at least $50,000 in finalist awards. With your help, we can get there. Renew your membership, and spread the word to your circle.

Learn about our payment options by clicking on the link at left. Monthly payment plans are available, and many employers will match your donation, or sponsor your membership entirely. We offer a limited number of supported memberships, as well, thanks to donations from individuals and corporate sponsors.
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