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“This life. This night. Your story. Your pain. Your hope. It matters. All of it matters.” Jamie Tworkowski

September bears the sobering, yet necessary, title of Suicide Prevention Month to raise awareness for veteran suicide. While you may not see it in mainstream media, Veterans are taking their lives each day. Everyone can play a role in suicide prevention, including by checking in with the Veterans in their life and encouraging them to visit, which offers resources to help Veterans with a variety of issues they may be facing. Veterans and their loved ones can visit to explore the range of resources available. Nobody has to face these challenges alone.

VA S.A.V.E. Flyer - Four ways you can help a Veteran in crisis.

The Bravest Thing video above featuring real Veterans and their loved ones, acknowledges that it can be hard for Veterans to reach out if they’re struggling – but shows that in the eyes of their loved ones, seeking help can be an act of bravery.

The Last Shindig at 38 Yale Road. Pictured above are some of our Veteran community who were able to attend. While operations are closed there we continue to run workshops and searching for our new home. We hope to have good news soon!


Each fall, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) enables Federal employees and retirees to come together to raise money and volunteer for our favorite charities. It's amazing to see how giving a little from each paycheck ads up to so much happiness when we give together.

You can search here under VETERANS HEALING FARM or enter our CFC# 26991. Thank you for supporting our mission of Veterans mental health!


The below suicide prevention and mental health workshops are open to everyone in our WNC community free of charge. While we know Veterans are disproportionately affected, suicide is a crisis across our own community. Take a few hours and learn how you can help someone struggling. You may save a life!


QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.

Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying "Yes" to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor.

When: Wednesday, September 11

Where: VFW Hedrick - Rhodes Post 5206, 900 N. Main St. Hendersonville NC

Time: 1130am - 130pm

Register Today!

Mental Health First-Aid

An evidence-based, early-intervention course.

Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack — we’d start CPR or call 9-1-1. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or showing signs of alcohol use disorder.

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to assist and support others who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

This evidence-based, early-intervention course, administered by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, is available virtually and in-person and uses community-specific scenarios, activities and videos to teach the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges as well as how to provide initial support until they are connected with appropriate professional help.

More than 3 million people across the United States have been trained in MHFA by thousands of certified Instructors. Join the next 3 million and be prepared to provide support for those around you who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

What It Covers

  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges.  
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.  
  • How to interact with a person in crisis. 
  • How to connect a person with help.  
  • Expanded content on trauma, substance use and self-care. 

When: Saturday, September 28

Where: VFW Hedrick - Rhodes Post 5206, 900 N. Main St. Hendersonville NC

Time: 830am - 430pm

Register Today!






38 Yale Rd

Hendersonville, NC 28739

Get In Touch

The Veterans Healing Farm is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2013 to enhance the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our nation's Veterans and their families.