Marketing and Sales Executives of Detroit
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Monthly News & Updates

June 2024

A Message from the President

We are the Sales & Marketing Experts!

So many times in life, we are too modest and don’t toot our own horn.

The Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit Board of Directors has decided to change that. We are developing a series of programs for our members to present to chambers of commerce and businesses on the dos and don’ts of some of the following topics:

1. Digital Transformation and Innovation in Marketing

2. Customer Experience and Engagement

3. Content Marketing and Storytelling

4. Social Media and Influencer Marketing

5. Sales Strategies and Technologies

6. Data Privacy and Ethical Marketing.

7. Market Research and Consumer Insights

8. Brand Management and Positioning

9. E-commerce and Digital Sales

10. Global Marketing Strategies

11. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

12. Leadership and Talent Development:

13. Emerging Technologies

14. Crisis Management and Resilience

15. Networking and Collaboration

These topics and the content provided by the Sales & Marketing Executives of Detroit Association are relevant, insightful, and valuable for all local businesses. Should you desire to help us with this project and volunteer as an industry expert speaker, please let us know. We can provide you with the format. On the other hand…should you know a business group looking to have us present this program, also let us know.

Enjoy this beautiful Michigan weather and we will see you soon, Sales & Marketing Champions!


Ann K. Bruttell

MSE Detroit President

Owner, Meeting Coordinators, Inc.


We are taking a short break from events to give everyone a chance to enjoy our wonderful Michigan summer and return revitalized and ready to go this fall!

In the meantime, please enjoy a few pictures from recent MSE Detroit events!


are available for all MSE Detroit Programs.

Check out our sponsorships HERE.

Looking for a customized sponsorship?

Call us at 248-643-6590 or


Did you also know…?

Hope you have visited our redesigned and user-friendly website,

The Career Center is live on our website. Please share this with your colleagues and friends. This site is open for employers to post and for those in need of work to reference.

Let us know what is going on in your business world and submit press releases for publication in this newsletter at

Quick Links



Upcoming Events

Career Board

Webinar On-Demand Video Library

Check out these friends of MSE Detroit

Great Lakes Profiles, Inc.


Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce


Ideal Group

IPS Technology Services

Concierge Cryptocurrency


Archangel & Associates

Meller Marketing

Fulkerson Group

Evolution IT Services


Sales Coaches' Corner

Reliance One

Focal Point Coaching



Gravitas Detroit



Lindsay Exhibit Group

Gerry Weinberg & Associates

Demp Coaching

Royal Park Hotel

Search Consulting Network

Tracy Katz LLC

Top Books for Marketing Professionals

according to Forbes Magazine


1. Drew Neisser — Renegade Marketing: 12 Steps to Building Unbeatable B2B Brands

2. Stan Phelps and David Rendall — Pink Goldfish: Defy Normal, Exploit Imperfection and Captivate Your Customers

3. Dan Gingiss — The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share

4. Dorie Clark — The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World

5. Kimberly A. Whitler — Positioning for Advantage: Techniques and Strategies to Grow Brand Value

6. Jeff Perkins — How Not to Suck at Marketing

7. Michael Schein — The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets from the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers

MSE Detroit LinkedIn Page

We would like to invite you to follow MSE Detroit’s updated LinkedIn site at

The older version, called “Marketing and Sales Executives of Detroit,” will be taken down on March 15th.

Looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you at our events.

Seeking Board Members

Two MSE Detroit board positions will be opening soon. If you have "a passion for the craft" of marketing and sales, and are interested in working with MSE Detroit,

please contact Ann Bruttell, MSE Detroit president, at

We are also looking for Program Committee members!

MSE Detroit Members:

Would you be willing to be our "Member Spotlight" in the monthly newsletter?

Do you have a career accomplishment or press release to share?

Have you read a book on leadership/sales/marketing that you think others would benefit from?

Have a link to a blog/podcast/article that you think would benefit MSE Detroit members?

We would love to hear from you at

MSE Detroit Membership

To renew your membership or join MSE Detroit, visit:

MSE Detroit 2024 Membership Rates



$100 - Basic Membership – Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/program/On-Demand Videos. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter.


$300 - Premium Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$25 - Student Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. Students may also request a mentor. (Must provide proof of student status; copy of a school schedule or letter from college/advisor needed.)


$125 - Retired Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$1,250 – Corporate Membership – Includes up to 5 memberships at the Premium Membership level. Each will receive the monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. The corporation may submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. They will have priority access to the Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series. This membership includes a $250 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a corporate sponsor.

Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit (MSED)
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