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We Are Going!

Faith Development Newsletter

June Earth Teacher

Greetings Families,

As our First UU program year draws to a close it is time for us to recognize the special people that make this (Meeting) House a home, celebrating the contributions of our members, welcoming the newest people who have committed to join us, dedicating the children who we will nurture throughout their childhoods, and witnessing our high school seniors as they bridge from childhood to adulthood.

I know, that's a lot already! But that's not all; we also need to wish a fond farewell to our Director of Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries, Rowan Van Ness and our Director of Music, James Stewart, have a congregational picnic, bid in the Auction, attend annual meeting, and go camping! Hopefully the rest of this email will give you the information you need to participate in whichever of these you can fit in between the school concerts, award ceremonies, graduations, et cetera!

In Faith,


Sunday June 2

Love at the Center: Recognition Sunday

10 am -

During the service we'll be recognizing the newest members (and we hope children will help in the ceremony) as well as all of the other contributions of time and talent that make this community what it is! Included in this will be the recognition of the Faith Development volunteers who made this year so enriching for our children and youth!

If your children like to write thank you notes, this would be a good week for it!

Worship will be multigenerational. with many opportunities for movement and participation. Families are invited to remain together in the Sanctuary throughout and the Nursery will be open if needed.

Annual Picnic


Immediately following the service on our beautiful grounds! As in years past, I'll have some outdoor toys on hand for children and families to enjoy. It is a POTLUCK so please bring some food if you can! I know it is hard to commit in advance but the picnic team will very much appreciate your addition, even at this late date! Use the link below or contact Kim Watkin at if you have any questions/comments. 


Sign up here!

Sunday June 9

Flower Festival: All Kinds of Blooming Amongst Us

10 am -

This service includes our annual Flower Festival! Each person should bring a flower with them and leave with a different one. Though don't worry if you forget yours; we'll have some extra on hand! Flower Festival (or Communion, or Ceremony) is a uniquely UU celebration and if you feel your children need a refresher (or you do) check out the lovely video below, by former Unitarian Church of Montpelier Religious Educator, Liza Earle-Centers.

Our congregation will also be dedicating two of its children and recognizing three newly minted young adults as they "bridge" out of childhood.

Finally, this our chance to say good-bye and thank you to Rowan Van Ness, who is leaving the role of Director Of Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries.

Worship will be multigenerational. with many opportunities for movement and participation. Families are invited to remain together in the Sanctuary throughout and the Nursery will be open if needed.

Annual Campout

Elmore State Park, June 14-16 

For more than 20 years, members of First UU have gathered at this beautiful state park in mid-June to commune with nature and each other! This loosely planned weekend will include a Friday night potluck dinner, group campfires, sing-alongs, and an informal closing circle worship. Climbing the mountain and the fire tower are optional but inspiring activities!

There are still two small tent sites available, and the possibility to combine and open up one of the bigger sites, so if you want to camp with us, please contact me right away! (Reply to this email.)

Day trippers are also welcome! Come for Friday night's 6:30 potluck and stay for some campfire fun or come find us on Saturday.

FUUSB Annual Auction

Who wants to bid online May 24 - June 6?

Who wants to gather together to bid on items on June 7?

Who wants to have fun all year long enjoying the items they won?

If your answer is ME!

I want to do all these things!!!

 Bid on item here!

If you have questions you can reach out to:

Families: This is a great opportunity to meet new people at FUUSB and deepen your sense of community!

Many of the auction items are opportunities to share a meal or fun activity with other members, things like game nights, boat rides, and hikes, so I encourage you all to consider bidding!

Childcare For All Ages

On summer Sundays, starting on June 16, childcare providers will be expecting children of all ages who would rather engage in free play during the worship service. You can sign your children into their care before the service begins or escort them to the childcare site at any point during he service. Please return to sign them out promptly after worship. Summer childcare may happen in the Nursery on the lower level or in the Memorial Garden outside. Please check with a Welcome Ambassador when you arrive.

Upcoming Sundays

June 2:

9:45- Nursery Open

10:00- Multigenerational worship in the Sanctuary

11:15- Congregational Picnic

June 9:

9:45- Nursery Open

10:00- Multigenerational worship in the Sanctuary

11:10- Coffee Hour on the lawn

June 16:

9:45- Nursery Open for kids of all ages

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

11:10- Coffee Hour on the lawn

June 23:

9:45- Nursery Open for kids of all ages

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

11:10- Coffee Hour on the lawn

June 30:

9:45- Nursery Open for kids of all ages

10:00- Worship in the Sanctuary

11:10- Coffee Hour on the lawn