The Priority of Prayer

Tom Tarrants

Lord, teach us to pray.


America's Present Crisis

Os Guinness

"We’re at a watershed moment. We’re at our equivalent to the Rubicon for Rome." Written 4 years ago and very much true today.


Assurance that God Hears and Answers Our Prayers

A Reflection

The very question “Does prayer work?” puts us in the wrong frame of mind from the outset. 


Why Do We All Want Something More?

Theologian Theodore,

Dawn Treader Magazine

Why should we have to go through an entire life here longing for something we can’t have?


Dawn Treader Magazine is part of the Keeping the Faith Program -for more information click here.

Prayer Foundations

Monthly Resource

You know you are called to pray, but have you thought about the foundation to prayer? This month we look closely at these foundations: why pray?, what is prayer?, how do you pray? and the challenges to prayer. We also offer a number of online study courses on prayer and a list of recommended reading.

Learn more

Special Announcement

As we mourn the loss of our beloved brother, Dr. Randy Newman’s passing into Glory, we are taking a break in releasing his remaining pre-recorded “Questions That Matter” podcasts.


We will release those last few podcasts in the Fall. 

Knowing & Doing

Episode 95: A Biography of Mere Christianity

with George Marsden

C.S. Lewis’s book Mere Christianity has a claim to being one of the most important religious works of the twentieth century. In this article, George Marsden discusses the origins of the book and its reception, as well as the factors that give the book its ongoing vitality.  

Read this article online here.

Listen and subscribe to this podcast.

Upcoming Local Events

August 10

7:00 PM CT



CSLI-Chicago presents The Transforming Power of Scripture with Tom Schwanda


Join us as Dr. Tom Schwanda discusses the nature of Scripture and transforming power it still holds for us today. He will share how one is to read the Bible and he will draw from resources like the catechumenate model to point out the nature and purpose of biblical meditation. This will be both a time of teaching and practice, so be prepared to grow in your love for the Word.


Learn more and register! 

August 16

7:00 PM CT



CSLI-Chicago presents Eagle & Child Society social gathering


The Eagle & Child Society (E&CS) is a social gathering where we host topical discussions and have the chance meet with other Christians beyond Sunday morning. The E&CS intends to foster a similar environment and establish a group of “regulars” who want to navigate life and today’s issues together. Each gathering, which will usually be the second Friday of the month, will convene at 7pm and will center on the discussion of a single topic.


Learn more and register! 

August 22

7:00 PM ET



CSLI-Atlanta presents The Story within the Stories with Rev. Andrew Lazo and Dr. Christin Ditchfield Lazo


In this special event, we'll explore what inspired C.S. Lewis to write his most beloved and best-selling series, discovering how Scripture and practical theology is woven through every scene, every chapter in all seven books. The spiritual truths that Lewis's stories illuminate are profound and life-changing. Learn more with guest speakers the Rev'd Andrew Lazo and Dr. Christin Ditchfield Lazo.


Learn more and register! 

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