LA Loves Life & Adoption!
New Billboards Up & T-Shirts Available!
While November, which is National Adoption Month, is over, we are still celebrating the beauty of adoption. Here's our latest New Orleans billboard posted at four locations across the area.
Together with New Orleans Right to Life, we have posted 28 billboards this year in the greater New Orleans area. These 28 boards were seen approximately 22,402,182 times ! Not bad coverage for the pro-life message!

Want to help us put up pro-life billboards in your community? All we need is the support from your community! Shoot me an email and let's discuss.

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Grab one of our new "LA Loves Life" T-shirts (see below) and get ready to march for life with us in 2019!
Join Us and March for Life in 2019 at a Louisiana Life March Event Near You!
The 2019 Louisiana Life March T-shirt is here! Sizes S-XXL available.
Will you march with us in 2019 and show your support for women and babies? Will you help us spread our 2019 message: Louisiana Loves Life ? Each year, thousands of Louisiana residents participate in a Louisiana Life March event around the state. The events consist of a march for life and a rally featuring music, speeches, and prayers. The Louisiana Life March began as one event in Baton Rouge, then the program was expanded to Shreveport/Bossier and then to Alexandria/Pineville. This year events are also being held in Monroe/West Monroe and Lake Charles. So with five Louisiana Life March events around the state in January and February, one is sure to be close to you! We also need you to spread the word! Share the event in your area with family and friends, download the promotional video to play in your church or hand out flyers or promotional postcards in your community.

Need A Christmas Gift for Someone Special?
Look to Us and Help Defend Life in Louisiana!
Looking for that perfect Christmas gift for someone special? Look to us! You can purchase a 2019 Celebrate Life wall calendar, pro-life merchandise or a Luminary membership, or you can make a donation in someone's honor. All money raised goes toward defending life in the Louisiana through education, legislation, activism and service.

2018 is coming to a close soon, but you still have plenty of time to make your 2018 year-end gift. Whether it's $5 or $5,000, your gift matters. We could not defend life in Louisiana without your support!
If you shop on Amazon you can support Louisiana Right to Life, at no extra cost to you! Be sure to start your shopping at for your purchase to count.
The Scotton Family, featured in the adoption documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue , will be honored with the 2019 Proudly Pro-Life Award at the 20th annual Proudly Pro-Life Award Dinner on Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019, at Chateau Country Club in Kenner. Cocktails are at 6 p.m., and the dinner begins at 7 p.m. There are still tickets and full tables available for purchase.
The first Southwest Louisiana PULSE Weekend Immersion held Nov. 16-18 at Dry Creek Baptist Camp was a huge success. One student, Darrin Nixon, said: "I would highly recommend anyone to attend a PULSE Immersion camp regardless if they’re pro-choice or pro-life, because the experience and vast amount of knowledge you leave with is guaranteed to be life changing!" See Photos
One House race (District 90) and the Secretary of State will be decided by runoff on Dec. 8. Both runoff candidates for the House seat, which represents the Slidell area, Mary DuBuisson and John Raymond, answered our questionnaire 100% pro-life. Kyle Ardoin, who answered 100% pro-life, and “Gwen” Collins-Greenup, who did not respond to our questionnaire request, are in the runoff for Secretary of State.
Louisiana Right to Life is thankful to all of you who donated on Giving Tuesday through our #GivingTuesday and #IGiveCatholic campaigns. The money raised will go to providing our college Students for Life groups with proper tools and resources to share the pro-life message on ther campuses. Even though Giving Tuesday has passed, you can still donate to help our college groups!
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a day pastors utilize to raise awareness about what the Bible teaches about the sacred gift of human life, how life is under attack, and what the church can do protect it. It's coming up on Jan. 20, 2019!
Louisiana Right to Life has produced 10 new "Life Minutes" audio tracks aimed at educating the public about pro-life issues. The ninth "Life Minute" has been released on SoundCloud. Please listen and feel free to share it!
Upcoming Events
Feb. 22-24, 2019

March 29-31, 2019

April 23, 2019
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife