Watch out for motorcycles during Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

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May 10, 2024 – As the weather warms up, the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reminds all drivers to always watch out for motorcycles.

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. LHSC Executive Director Lisa Freeman said that motorcycles have as much of a right to the road as any other motor vehicles, but motorcycles’ slim profiles often make them difficult for other drivers to see.

“A motorcyclist is a vulnerable road user, and a car or truck driver can overlook them with only a cursory glance in the mirror,” Freeman said. “We’re urging everyone to take that extra second. Make sure the way is clear before you change lanes or enter the roadway.”

Motorcyclists have to do their part, too, in navigating the road in a safe and prudent manner.

Nationally, 6,218 motorcyclists died in single-vehicle crashes in 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NHTSA states that 35% of those motorcycle riders were speeding. Further, motorcycle riders from ages 21–24 involved in fatal crashes had the highest involvement of speeding at 51%.

“While most of these tragedies are the result of car and truck drivers’ not seeing motorcyclists, we continue to see too many people speeding on bikes,” Freeman said. “Just one death is incredibly sad and totally preventable.”

Motorcycle safety is a critical issue in Louisiana. Eighty-six motorcyclists were killed in crashes in 2022. Additionally, from 2018 to 2022, 420 bikers died on Louisiana roads, according to the Center for Analytics and Research in Transportation Safety at LSU. Alcohol was involved in 38% of those fatal crashes over the five-year span of research data.

Here are some safe practices for all road users to follow in order to stay safe on the road:

  • Observe all traffic laws, including the speed limit.
  • Do not drink or take drugs before you operate a vehicle or motorcycle.
  • Put away the cell phone or any other distractions while driving or riding.
  • Drivers should yield to motorcyclists, especially while turning at intersections.
  • Motorcyclists should wear high-visibility protective gear and DOT-compliant motorcycle helmets. Learn how to identify a safe, DOT-compliant helmet at

For more information about motorcycle safety, visit En Espanol,

For more information, contact:

Gregory Fischer

Public Information Officer

DPS – Louisiana Highway Safety Commission

225-925-7858 (work)

225-489-1969 (mobile)

Mark Lambert

Lambert Media


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