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May Newsletter

New Video: Voter-Approved Children’s Funds

Voter-approved children’s funds work, and we want everyone from civic leaders to kids and familiesto understand how these local funds benefit their communities. Our new video gives the 101 on voter-approved children’s funds and highlights the importance of funding kids’ programs and services.

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What's New

Upcoming Webinar: Understanding Federal Investments in Children and Youth

As we look across all federal agencies, where does our government prioritize spending for children and youth? During this webinar on Wednesday, May 24 at 3 PM ET, we’ll examine the current federal funding landscape for kids, reflect on how federal funding has changed since 2019, and share a new tool that can help communities identify other sources of federal funding to tap after federal relief dollars expire.

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In Case You Missed It

Kids Funding Win: Anchorage, AK

Congratulations to Anchorage, AK, for approving the state's first voter-approved children's fund, dedicating revenue from its marijuana tax to early childhood education in the city that will raise $5 million to $6 million annually. 

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Our 2022 Impact Snapshot

Thanks to our collaboration with communities and partners like you, in 2022 we provided technical assistance to 15 states in our fiscal mapping cohort, 27 voter-approved children's fund managers, 11 communities pursuing a children’s fund, and more.

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Spotlight on Youth Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic had devastating effects on young people’s mental health. While teens’ feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts had been increasing prior to the pandemic, many experts say that isolation, online schooling, and increased social media use during the pandemic accelerated that decline. As we mark Mental Health Awareness Month and Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, we believe it’s important to make sure communities prioritize funding for youth mental health services. Those services can include personal and group therapy to mentoring and after-school opportunities that support kids' overall well-being. Voters agree. According to our public opinion poll taken during the pandemic, 79% of voters consider using tax dollars to “provide youth mental health services to all children in their communities” a high or very high priority.

To help fund these services, many voters support taxing big tech companies, whose products often are targeted to children as young as 6 years old. According to our poll, nearly 70% of voters support a tax on the sales of digital advertising to raise revenue for children and youth services. 

Read Our Youth Mental Health Blog
See More from Our Poll

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