Listening and Learning from the Community
The Northwest Corridor planning team held its first round of engagement from August through December 2020. The second round of engagement sessions were held in February 2021. As part of those February sessions, an estimated 400 individuals were engaged through virtual meetings, an online open house, and a feedback survey. The survey was extended to continue to engage the public in the process. To date, over 1,200 individuals have shared their insights and opinions through the first and second rounds of public engagement for the LinkUS: Northwest Corridor Mobility Initiative. Key findings, as a result of feedback from our engagement, include:
· Respondents share a high level of support for rapid transit improvements in the corridor regardless of the specific mode of transit
· Respondents express the need for a quick travel route with dedicated transit lanes and other transit priority infrastructure to ensure travel time reliability
· Participants prioritize the importance of pedestrian and bicycle improvements with safe connections to trails, transit stations, and other destinations
· Participants strongly advocate for affordability, sustainability, and equity as priorities for both transportation infrastructure and new development in the corridor.
Get details of the full report here.