Jan. & Feb. 2021
Washington Water Watch
CELP's Board of Directors
We have had some changes in our Board of Directors. Patrick Williams is our new Board Chair. He is a Seattle-based attorney with a solo practice dedicated to environmental, land uses law, and water law, a former CELP staff attorney, and a CELP board member since 2017. Steve Robinson is our new Board Vice Chair. He is the owner of an Olympia-based public relations company which specializes in serving Native American Tribes. Steve is actively involved in numerous tribal and environmental organizations and has served on the CELP board since 2016. Jim Weber serves as the Secretary on the CELP Board of Directors. Eric Hirst serves as the Treasurer on the CELP Board of Directors. 
You can read more about our Board of Directors, Advisory Board, and Honorary Board.

We would also like to introduce you to our new board members Adriana Maestas, Stephen Hirschey, and Willie Frank.
Adriana Maestas

Adriana Maestas is the daughter of Roberto Maestas, the founder and longtime Executive Director of El Centro de la Raza. Born into a local activist family with strong ties to communities of color and tribal communities in Washington State, Adriana has a long history of social justice activism and advocacy work. She is deeply committed to combatting the climate crisis and environmental and ecological matters, including resource preservation and wildlife protection. Adriana has undertaken pro bono legal work on immigration, child advocacy and voter protection cases.
Professionally, Adriana is a banking lawyer with 15 years of experience, currently serving as Senior Legal Counsel for Lloyds Banking Group and Secretary of the North America Executive Committee. Prior to entering private practice, Adriana was a law clerk to Judge Weinberg de Roca at the Appellate Chamber for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in The Hague, Netherlands. Adriana holds a B.A. from Stanford University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School. She is a member of the Washington Bar, the New York Bar and is pending qualification as a solicitor in England and Wales. She is also a member of the Stanford Law School Alumni Executive Committee. Adriana is fluent in Spanish.
Stephen J. Hirschey

Steve Hirschey has been a manager and policy analyst working on many aspects of water resource management across the state over a 33-year career. With the Washington State Department of Ecology, Steve developed and promulgated instream flow rules, and water right administration policies and rules. He spent time managing 22 staff implementing the Water Code and well drilling programs in Ecology’s Bellevue office, and also served as a senior analyst for water resources. With the King County’s Department of Natural Resource and Parks, Steve worked with local land use and water issues including water and land use planning, reclaimed water, asset management, utility wastewater management, and public water service issues. Steve also chaired the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee, tasked with reviewing local utility plans and making recommendations to the King County Council for plan approval. Steve received a B.S. in Natural Sciences from St. John’s University, and his M.S. in Environmental Studies from the Evergreen State College. Steve is married and the father of two children and enjoys snow skiing, hiking, and gardening.
Willie Frank III

Willie Frank III, a Nisqually tribal member, serves as the 7th council member on the Nisqually Tribal Council.
He says, "I believe we need to work toward moving our tribe forward while continuing to protect our treaty rights and tribal sovereignty. I believe that our salmon and natural resources are still the foundation for who we are today".
Legislative Session
We are tracking bills, lobbying, and providing you with all the information you need to contact your representatives to urge them to protect our waters. More information on Clean & Abundant Water lobby week and ways to get involved coming soon.

Information on the legislative process and the remote session:
Check out this great resource on understanding the legislative session, how you can watch and participate virtually, how to contact your representatives, how to voice your support for bills, how to track legislation, and how to schedule a virtual visit with your legislators.

Bills & CELP's Positions:

HB 1117- Promoting salmon recovery through revisions to the state's comprehensive planning framework.
CELP position: Neutral

HB 1132-Concerning the protection of water supply for farming and rural economic development.
CELP position: Against

HB 1184/ SB 5087- Concerning risk-based water quality standards for on-site nonpotable water systems.
CELP position: Support

HB 1372- Replacing the Marcus Whitman statue in the national statuary hall collection with a statue of Billy Frank Jr.
CELP Position: Support

SB 5060- Concerning the preservation of water rights for farmland and economic development.
CELP position: Against

SB 5092 / HB 1094- Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. Nooksack River adjudication funding.
CELP position: Support

SB 5306- Concerning local salmon habitat recovery planning in critical areas.
CELP position: Support

How to Contact your Representatives:
Find and contact your legislators here.
Water and Salmon in the News
Check out the State of Salmon in Watersheds 2020 Report by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office. This Web site documents how Washingtonians have responded to the challenges of protecting and restoring salmon and steelhead and their habitats. It summarizes both the achievements and the issues statewide and by salmon recovery region.

You can read about the report and the northwest's salmon populations in this NY Times article, Northwest’s Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time.

Is the public engaged enough in the effort to protect our waters and salmon? Check out this article on Lake Washington Sockeye in trouble.
50th anniversary of the Water Resources Act of 1971
Check out “From Loon Lake to Chuckanut Creek: The Rise and Fall of Environmental Values in Washington’s Water Resources Act” by Rachael Paschal Osborn here.

Abstract: The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Water Resources Act of 1971, Washington’s program to protect instream flows in state rivers. Implementation has been controversial and, even a half century later, incomplete.
Part 1 introduces the Act.
Part 2 examines its legislative history, and administrative development by the Department of Ecology. The Act innovated water allocation, putting instream flows and public uses of rivers on par with out-of-stream water rights. But river protection labors under serious limitations, chief among them the subordination of instream flows to pre-existing water rights. And, although only half of Washington’s watersheds are protected under the Act, the program has ground to a halt.
Part 3 examines twelve lawsuits that interpreted or relied on the Act, and the role of the courts in both endorsing and eroding the Act’s provisions.
Part 4 concludes with recommendations for new water resources policy legislation. Absent affirmative steps by the state Legislature, Washington’s rivers are unprepared for the adverse impacts of the climate crisis.
CELP's 2021 Legal Internship
Blue Square with text reading"CELP Summer 2021 Legal Internships. Now accepting applications". Photo of Columbia River faded in the background.
We are now accepting applications for a Summer 2021 Legal Intern. This position is located in CELP’s Seattle Office. Due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, we anticipate that the intern will be working remotely for at least the first part and likely all of the summer.

We seek a legal intern with a demonstrated interest in environmental issues to work on projects aimed at establishing protected instream flows. Qualified candidates will have completed their 2L year by Spring 2020 and taken an environmental law course. Coursework or clinical experience in administrative law is preferred. Exact internship dates are flexible depending on academic schedules, but generally run from June – August and last 10 weeks. Please email a CV, a writing sample, and references to Dan Von Seggern, Staff Attorney at dvonseggern@celp.org

Deadline for applications is March 15th.
Congratulations Professor Bob Anderson
We would like to give a big congratulations to Professor Bob Anderson for his new position as the Principle Deputy Solicitor for the Department of the Interior. 

We are incredibly thankful for your support, partnership, mentorship and participation with CELP. Thank you for all your work protecting our waters, natural resources, and tribal interests. We wish you all the best.
85 S Washington St #301,
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 829-8299
Thanks for taking the time to read Washington Water Watch! With your help, CELP has accomplished many victories, yet more work remains to be done. You can support our work by making a donation online here, or mailing a check to: 85 S. Washington St #301 Seattle, WA 98104.