With summertime fast approaching, the Telcom team looks not only to the sunny months ahead, but our vision for the future. Promoting safety remains top priority, so we’ve provided some helpful tips for companies like yours. Check them out below, then contact us to ensure you have the proper plans in place to keep your crew and customers safe – no matter the season!
Cyber Insurance Policy: Breaking Down the Basics

Cyber insurance provides coverage for losses resulting from cyber-attacks or data breaches. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the risk of cyber-attacks rises as well. This undeniable fact makes cyber insurance an essential component of any business risk management strategy.
It’s important to note that cyber insurance policies can vary widely in their coverage and exclusions, so we recommend carefully reviewing each policy to ensure it meets the specific needs of your business.
While we firmly believe that cyber insurance is an incredibly valuable tool for mitigating the financial risks of a cyber-attack, remember that it’s not a substitute for good cybersecurity practices. As a business, you should also protect your data and systems by implementing strong passwords, keeping software up to date, adding MFA when possible, and providing employees with the training needed to recognize and avoid common cyber threats. 

Please reach out to us if we can be of any assistance with your cyber insurance needs!
Safety on Site: Excavating and Trenching 

There are several hot button topics in our industry, especially when safety practices are involved. Excavations and open trenching are prime examples, leaving regulators concerned due to the sheer risk involve. In fact, according to National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates, there have been nearly 400 deaths since 2003 in open excavations alone. 
While the telecommunications industry uses machinery to install most of its underground plant, there are occasions when construction hands and contractors are involved in excavations. This is usually done to repair cut lines or gain access to places that machinery cannot reach. These open excavations do not tend to be very deep, and do not carry a significant risk of entrapment or engulfment. But keep in mind that the deeper the excavation, the heavier the potential weight of the soil – an important point to consider if the excavation were to collapse and bury an employee, even partially.
Let’s look at a generic breakdown of different soil types. If we average topsoil weighing roughly 78 pounds per cubic foot with wet sand weighing 115 pound per cubic foot, we will get a rough estimate of 97 pounds per cubic foot. Considering a cubic yard of soil, which is 27 cubic feet, we can calculate that an employee who suffers a cubic yard-collapse would feel 2,600 pounds of weight on them – roughly the weight of a car! This much weight can break limbs, restrict breathing, and even crush equipment.
Even if an employee is covered in soil only to the waist or just slightly above, drawing a deep breath would be extremely difficult, and in some cases, impossible. As a person inhales, their stomach flattens as their chest fills – and the soil surrounding them begins to fill in the void. Each breath becomes harder to take, and the consequences can, in the worst cases, be fatal.
There are other hazards associated with an open excavation as well, like equipment parked dangerously close to the excavation’s edge. This places excessive weight on the side walls, causing potential collapse. There is even the risk of that same equipment falling into the excavation on top of the employee(s) if it is parked too closely to the open edge. Consider falling objects too, like tools and fire extinguishers, that can injure an employee below. Hazardous or potentially flammable atmospheres pose a threat as well! 
There are even obscure and random hazards to consider, such as animal and insect bite exposure. No matter how unlikely, OSHA expects you to consider all hazards and attempt to account for their risk management. 
June is National Trench Safety Month, so now is the perfect time to begin discussing trench safety with your OSP staff and contractors. A National Safety Stand-Down will be announced soon, so check OSHA.gov and CDC.gov for updates or additional information.
And as always, the Telcom team is happy to help. Contact us today to learn more!