In this issue:
      • Well Designed Bike Routes Improves safety and property values;
      • Stevens Creek Trail Proposals to City Council on Mar 1st;
      • City staff evaluating FY17 budget for Bike/Ped enhancements
      • Need a Bike?


Cupertino City Bike/Ped News:  

Stevens Creek Trail Update to Cupertino City Council - Mar 1st
The Cupertino Parks and Rec department is scheduled to make its assessment and recommendations to the City Council on March 1 st .  This agenda item may be postponed (FMI see the calendar at             www.walkb

Walk-Bike Cupertino urges that any though neighborhood routing of the SCT should be postponed   for future consideration until the city can develop its master bike/ped plan and coordinate it with our neighboring cities.  

Walk-Bike Cupertino strongly supports developing Safe and Easy Biking and Walking throughout the city's neighborhoods and off the busy thoroughfares, along with viable routes that serve the 8 to 80 population range.... Link to full article

If you support making our neighborhoods healthier and safer, please write your council person at or take a few minutes on the evening of March 1st to voice your support of safe routes to the Cupertino Council.

Cupertino Bike Plan16 Update Community Meeting Date pending.  Targeted for early March,  Alta Designs will present to all  interested community members their draft proposals for the BP16. The final report is due May 2016.  FMI: contact David Stillman at

City Budget Preparation.    Let your City Leaders know that you support continued significant funding of bike safety improvements in Cupertino. City staff is currently in the process of developing the operating budget for FY16-17, beginning July 1, 2016.  

 In "catch-up mode", this year's efforts will complete most items identified in the 2011 Cupertino Bike Plan, along with the green safety lane paint throughout the city. Since May 2014, the city has allocated over $1.2m for bike safety improvements, of which 2/3 of the projects have been completed. 

It's time to look forward and continue our investment in "Safe and Easy Cycling Routes for Cupertino."   Please take a moment and send your City Manager, David Brandt, and the City Council a message to continue and strongly fund the efforts to make Cupertino the "Safe and Easy City to Walk or Bicycle" .


Safe Routes to Schools Update

Walk-Bike Cupertino supports embedding student bike safety training in our CUSD school curriculum .  We hope to see a bike/ped training program (modeled after one used in Palo Alto and other communities) that makes bike/ped training a part of the PE curriculum at all CUSD schools.  For an excellent primer on bike safety education see: Visionzero's link at:     For more information of SRTS see

Parent Survey Aggregate Summary Highlights :  Under the leadership of Chelsea Biklin, the city conducted a parent survey on school commute patterns.  See results below.   (If you would like to get involved and help, please contact Chelsea Biklin at  For complete detail see  Safe Routes Parent Survey 02_18_16

  • The Safety section has seen the addition of a great deal of training and safety information.  There are:
Thank you to Dick Blaine and Byron Rovegno for your great work on this important topic!


Need a bike?  Check out Good-Karma Bikes in San Jose/Willow Glen.
A non-profit that takes in used bicycles and refurbishes them to like new condition.  See this link for more information
  It's a great way to get you or your kids "started or re-started" on a two-wheeler!

Bike Routes Improve Safety and Property Values.

Walk-Bike Cupertino advocates  Safe and Easy cycling and walking in the city. This implies better signed routes through neighborhoods that are shorter and quieter for our kids to get to/from school and for our adult population who wants to access shopping districts or for exercise.
Many studies have been conducted (in cities such as Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles and Berkeley) that  show bike routes and trails make the community safer for our families and improve property values.  Take a look at these articles:  or in Berkeley  to see trails impacts in other communities.

Walk-Bike Cupertino Advocates:

  • Making Cupertino a model for Safe, Easy and Enjoyable Walking and Biking;
  • Creating direct Bike-Ped pathways;
  • Educating drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists on best practices sharing the road;
  • Encourage riding and walking: create way-finder  mileage signage, historical markers and point-of-interest into pathways;
  • Support the $10M funding set aside for Cupertino's strategic Walk-Bike improvements

Join us - our nearly 500 member community group. Together we can make Cupertino safer to walk and bike - and a better place to live.

Your Team at Walk-Bike Cupertino!

Walk, Bike Cupertino | |
Cupertino, CA 95014