What's New This Month
It’s the season of warm drinks, hot fires, colorful leaves, and pumpkin spiced treats! Fall is right around the corner, and it’s a great time to get cozy and reflect on everything you’ve accomplished so far this year. We’re here to support you so you can finish the year on a high note.

Time will fly once the holidays blow in, but we never want the pace of our industry to stifle the collaboration and support you receive from West Virginia Bankers Title. Our team always has time to cozy up next to you to celebrate all your accomplishments and close new deals! Your clients count on you, and we want you to be able to count on us.

Happy September and Happy Fall to you all!

Bob Drummond, Vice President/Agency Manager of West Virginia Bankers Title
Key Stats to Watch in the Changing Real Estate Market
The world’s financial markets have been shaky, and the question on all our minds is what will it mean for the future of the housing market? There are some key statistics we should keep an eye on to help predict the changes to come. By looking at homes taking price cuts, buyer demand or immediate sales, homes that were listed then re-listed after receiving no offers, and the Market Action Index (MAI), we can get a better idea of where prices are headed and when we can expect price reductions.
Is Now the Best Time to Buy?
Our short answer: yes! The national inventory of properties for sale was up 27% in August, houses are sitting on the market for longer and sellers are starting to slash their prices. Listing prices have taken the biggest plunge in six years. Today, buyers can be more selective and have more negotiation power and options. 
Sellers Aren’t Disclosing Property Defects
You may want to advise your buyers not to waive the inspection contingency. An alarming 94% of sellers admit to selling their homes without disclosing a known issue. Issues can include anything from electrical to plumbing and beyond. To ensure protection, you should request a completed seller’s disclosure and a thorough home inspection before closing.
Mortgage Trends
Professional Development
Market Highlights
What Hurts Property Value and How Can You Fix it?

The market is shifting and we want to help ensure that you and your clients get the best price when you sell your house. First, you need to know what can hurt and help your property value. Whether you plan to sell in two weeks or two years, it’s essential to regularly maintain your home so that a small problem like a leak doesn’t turn into a large one like a crack in the foundation. Assess your current situation with home checkups, consider making quality home improvements that buyers will remember, and don’t forget about the outside of your house. Curb appeal is just as important! Many other internal and external factors will affect the value of your property, and not all of them can be fixed. The bottom line is take good care of your home and work with an agent who will take care of you to get the best price when you decide to sell.