What's New This Month
The season of April showers, Easter eggs and beautiful sunny weather is upon us! As spring blooms in West Virginia, the days are getting longer, and the chill of winter is starting to fade. We’re ready for bright new beginnings this month. 

Amidst the changing landscape in the real estate market during this spring season, our West Virginia Bankers Title team has hope for brighter days ahead as 2023 unfolds. To our lending, banking, attorney and real estate partners, we are here for you at every turn. Thank you for choosing us as a business partner.

Rachel Showalter, Agency Manager of West Virginia Bankers Title
Governor Signs Largest Tax Cut in West Virginia History Into Law 
“It’s taken two years to get here, but this is a monumental day for all of us,” Governor Justice declared during the March 7th ceremony in which he officially signed HB2526. This bill grants West Virginians the largest tax cut in the state’s history, returning more than $750 million to hardworking taxpayers. According to the Governor, “The world is watching West Virginia…We’ve known for a long time how good we were. Today, we put our stake in the sand, inviting everyone to our state.”
Celebrate Earth Day in West Virginia
Earth Day, an April 22nd global celebration, is dedicated to supporting and protecting our environment. We can all contribute by raising awareness and advocating for change around the issues impacting our planet. This guide reminds us that Earth Day (and the month surrounding it) is also a perfect time to venture outside to appreciate all the beauty and nature this great state offers. 
White House to Make Significant Investment in Nation’s Housing
The president’s budget for fiscal year 2024 was recently released. It includes significant investments in building affordable housing, expanding access to homeownership, redressing housing discrimination, enhancing household mobility and ending homelessness. While not legally binding, the president's budget is a jumping-off point for the House and Senate to draft their bills for the 2024 fiscal year.
Mortgage Trends
Professional Development
Market Highlights
The Return to Handwritten Notes in Real Estate
Are you feeling the need for a fresh marketing approach to better reach your target audience? It might be as simple as putting pen to paper. Handwritten notes might seem old-school in today's digital age, but they can leave a lasting impression. This article provides practical tips to get started, making for much more personalized connections with clients and prospects.