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Title Notes E-News             West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC            April 2018

The Importance of Surveys
by Kellie Army, Investors Title Claims Counsel
If I could teach one thing to people buying property of any nature, it would be that, if you do not have a survey, you do not know what you are buying. And, when one day somebody tells you what you have actually bought, your title insurance policy will not cover the cost of whatever fix is necessary to resolve the issue that would have been disclosed by the survey. 
Following are some examples of the most common type of claims that could be avoided had the buyer obtained a survey prior to closing on the property: 
       - Boundary Lines
- Ownership of the "wrong" property
       - Encroachments
- Access
Click HERE to learn more, and together l et's all spread the word about the importance of surveys to be sure that buyers understand the possible financial and emotional cost they can unknowingly incur when they make the decision to save money on a survey.
Experiencing Organizational Change?
Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes...
by Darleen DeRosa
For any business, change is inevitable. Organizations that do not adapt to the circumstances of their industry may eventually fall to the wayside-joining the likes of Blockbuster and Radio Shack.
Even though change initiatives may start off well, there are a few problems that often sabotage these initiatives-hindering progress and compromising employee commitment to the change initiative.  Click HERE to learn about some of the common pitfalls that organizations should avoid.
Do Loan Officers Really Need to Attend Closings?
by Mike Seminari, Stratmor Group
It absolutely matters whether or not loan officers attend their closings. Being present to explain rates and fees to the borrower is just one example of where a loan officer can mitigate a potentially negative borrower experience. Add in delayed starts to closings, unresolved problems, and confusion regarding last minute changes and you begin to understand the importance of face-to-face interaction between loan officers and borrowers at the closing table.  Another big plus for loan officers who attend closings is the goldmine of referral possibilities, starting with the borrowers.  Click  HERE  to learn more.

Here are additional articles related to   Mortgage Lending you may enjoy: 
Cross-selling, Without Crossing the Line:
The powerful value proposition for smart, compliant banks
by Brian Stone
Cross-selling does not have to imply bankers conducting surreptitious behavior with their customers' financial  accounts. In fact, knowledgeable, timely outreach to consumers and small businesses-backed with intelligent insights and sound financial recommendations-can have a significant, measurable impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty and on the improvement of customers' financial lives.  Click  HERE  to learn more.
The Skill Set of the Future: Seven essential 
habits to own and hone for greater success
by Paul Krasnow
The business world gets more competitive every day. To stay in demand in this tough environment, you need to perform at a higher level than ever before. You have to get better results, instantly recover from missteps, and garner the confidence to thrive in times of uncertainty. To do this, you need a modern-day skill set that gives you the edge over your competitors and helps you efficiently reach your goals.

No matter where you are in your career right now, you will absolutely benefit from adopting the habits that Paul outlines to lead to a successful life and career. Click   HERE  to read on.

Here are additional articles related to   Personal  Development you may enjoy: 


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?

West Virginia Bankers Title wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What Topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send Britney Shuck your thoughts.
Bob Drummond
Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
Vice President & Agency Manager
West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC
1547 Tulip Lane
Fairmont, WV 26554

Integrity. Security. Excellence.

At West Virginia Bankers Title, our goal is to provide security for your most valued investments, while offering exceptional customer service and delivering quality title insurance products in an accurate and timely manner.
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