The Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast - Now Available!!
I felt relief, pride, fear and joy last week - when I pushed the PUBLISH TO ITUNES - to upload my first Podcast. Relief because the first one's done! Pride because I studied how to do it, bought all the stuff, created a plan, and I did it! Fear because it's not perfect and maybe others will 'ding' me for that. And finally joy - because it's just fun to create things that you hope will be of service to others. If you'd like to check it out - you can listen, download and subscribe here: Wake Up Eager Workforce.
- Episode #1: The Power of Focusing on Strengths and Using the DISC Assessment
- Episode #2: MORE Motivation in the Workplace - The Workplace Motivators
- Coming Next Week: Episode #3: The Three Biggest Interview Mistakes
- Coming in Two Weeks: Episode #4: How to Lead, Train and Retain the Millennial Generation
This podcast is for leaders, trainers and consultants who are focused on improving employee selection and providing professional development to create a Wake Up Eager Workforce. Each podcast includes: tools, tips, best practices, interviews and whatever else I come up with! :)