Volume 11, Issue 112 | Fall 2019 View as Webpage
Hi There!

Who in your life REALLY listens to you? They don't interrupt you, rush you, correct you or change the subject. They just tune into you. They care about how you feel and want to know what you are thinking. Who does that?

Most of us are really good at talking, but how many of us are also really good at listening? We seem to be naturally talented talkers. Research reveals that we speak 7,000 words every day. Maybe we need to balance that out to become talented listeners, too.

Hopefully you were able to name someone who really listens to you. If so, recall the impact their listening has on you, and commit to giving that same gift to everyone in your life. Here's how...
This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Listening!
“The first duty of love is to listen.” Paul Tillich

Recently a friend shared that it was their 10 th wedding anniversary, and that they were going on a trip to celebrate.

I ran into her a few weeks later, wished her a Happy Anniversary and asked about their trip.

She was surprised that I remembered and gave me a huge hug, as she excitedly shared all the details about their anniversary.

It seems like such a simple thing - to listen to someone, but it doesn't happen all the time. If we want to have stronger relationships with others, personally and professionally, we MUST become as good at listening as we are at talking.

Think about your listening expertise. How are you doing? Do you take the time? Do you give the gift of listening to others? Take this short quiz to determine whether you have any of the most common negative listening habits.

One of my favorite books is Stephen Covey’s  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. The 5 th habit: Seek first to understand, then to be understood reminds us to listen first, if we want to be effective with others.

Everyone who knows me will tell you that I'm a talker. It's one of my strengths, AND can become a blind spot if I don't manage myself! Over the years, I've tried to balance out my strength by training myself to become a better listener. The people in my life who REALLY listen to me, have served as great role models.

If you recognize the need to improve in this skill - FIRST, remember how that great listener in your life impacted you and CHOOSE to do the same for others.

NEXT, train yourself to Reflect (share what you're hearing and seeing), Probe (ask questions) and Support (express your understanding of what they shared) BEFORE you ever share advice, try to persuade or change the subject.

Here's a 5 minute audio example of this simple R.P.S.A. Listening formula in a real-life work example. Learn about the six beliefs of great listeners and go deeper into the leadership skill of listening aggressively in this podcast episode.

Try listening more at work and at home this Holiday Season. Be the person who gives love to everyone you meet, by listening.

“The first duty of love is to listen.” Paul Tillich

Get thoughtful Mind, Body and Spirit tips and ideas every Wednesday!

I share things I'm thinking about (MIND), doing (BODY) and feeling (SPIRIT) that are contributing to my Wake Up Eager Life and Work.

We also post them on our  Facebook Page On Twitter or on LinkedIn .

Here's a Spirit Tip - (Check out all of this Wake Up Eager Wednesday Tip Here ):

Find acceptance for ourselves and others! In order to be all that we can be, we need to increase our intrinsic valuing/ acceptance of others and ourselves. Feel loved, feel accepted. 
Everybody Loves Raymond Uses Active Listening
Our theme this month is listening.

With the holiday season almost here, where we'll all be spending more time with our families, we thought you'd enjoy this funny Everybody Loves Raymond video.

It shows how seeking to understand, makes a difference, even with the little ones. Watch Now.

Helping Senior Leaders build an energetic,
committed, drama-free, Wake Up Eager workforce.

Suzie Price | Priceless Professional Development | 770-578-6976|
Certifications: CPExI, CPF, CPBA. CPMA, CPTHDA