A Word From Mark

Dear Friends,

As you may know, human trafficking is a global issue that affects millions of people around the world, and it is important that we take a stand against it.

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals are exploited for labor or sexual purposes. It is a crime that often goes unseen, but it is happening in our own communities and in countries all over the world. It is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to address, including raising awareness, providing support to survivors, and working to prevent it from happening in the first place.

I believe it is our responsibility to take a stand against human trafficking and to work to raise awareness about this issue. There are many ways that we can do this, including supporting organizations that work to combat human trafficking, participating in events and campaigns that raise awareness, and educating ourselves and others about the issue.

I hope that during this Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we can take the time to learn more about this important issue and consider how we can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking.


With appreciation,


Read More From Mark

Reality of Human Trafficking

There is a misunderstanding surrounding human trafficking in that it only exists in third-world countries or impoverished communities; however, it is far more prevalent than most might think. Human trafficking is the number one crime in Orange County but often goes unnoticed due to the lack of media attention it receives. It encapsulates both labor and sexual exploitation, the movement of individuals as a commodity. Many survivors find themselves in an instance of human trafficking typically by fraud, coercion, and in many cases force.

Human trafficking entails many different forms of exploitation; whether it be forced labor, trafficking individuals for sexual exploitation, debt bondage, and many other schemes. Forced Labor has been found in countless industries, including fabric and textile, agriculture, mining, and in manufacturing of numerous goods. Some survivors have been coerced with false pretenses of more money or a better life. Sex Trafficking takes many forms as well with many victims being exploited and trafficked both locally and internationally. Survivors are exploited and controlled by organized crime and a significant margin by their own families. Many survivors are typically not given basic human rights and are forced to work long hours due to threats of either detention, violence, or in many cases death.

The issue of human trafficking is becoming more and more prevalent, which is why it is increasingly important for agencies like WTLC to raise awareness and provide support.

WTLC Takes Taking Action.

Rebuilding Lives... a Survivors Story

John entered our emergency housing program after falling victim to labor trafficking by their husband whom he met in Brazil. John came to the United States in 2019 after marrying his partner. Immediately after coming to the U.S., John began to work in maintenance, but his partner would withhold his earnings and would not allow him to leave the house, except to attend church service. John was referred to WTLC with the support of his church he was able to escape the debts of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

It was difficult for John to seek help as he speaks primarily Portuguese. He felt isolated, once he was connected to our program he felt comfortable and supported. John immediately adjusted well to our Bridge Housing Program, forming a bond with his roommates. John has demonstrated significant willpower to move forward to a life free from violence.

Two weeks into the program, John was able to obtain employment in Orange County as a construction worker and is currently seeking a second job to further strengthen his financial situation. Despite working full time, John continues to meet with their Housing Advocate to discuss his case plan as he has plans to obtain his own apartment after graduating. 

If you know someone in need of help please contact our

Helpline (877)531-5522

Rebuilding Lives

Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

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