Education for the 21st Century
Dear Families,

Re-registration is in full swing starting today! Please see below for details. We have a full-to-bursting issue alive with the adventures and activities of our students, from early childhood to Grade 12. Every day is a new opportunity to be grateful for each and every student, and to our community for entrusting us with your precious children.

Our community is a living organism; the heartbeat of WSOC. Thank you all for being a vital part of it.

Please check the March calendar section below for our new May Faire date!

Happy Monday!

Alyssa Hamilton
WSOC Communications Coordinator
Click image for application!
Leadership Message
We begin Registration Week today almost exactly two years since the campus closed, with nobody knowing at that time what challenges the following two years would bring. Through intense work and dedication, the campus was reopened for in-person learning the following September. Since then, despite constant modifications to safety protocols and procedures, the school has remained open, and the students have benefited from the opportunity to actively engage with their teachers and with each other on a daily basis. What a joy to see them on campus each day.

Now, as registration for the 2022-2023 school year begins and restrictions are being loosened, we can rejoice at the expectation of another year, with the promise of rebuilding our community with both old and new families after being relatively isolated from each other for these past two years. We are so glad that the families registering this week will be here with us for what promises to be a wonderful year.

Kevin McDuff
School Administrator
Coffee Chat Follow-Up & Update
At our most recent Coffee Chat, the primary topic discussed concerned the request by some parents to delay registration due to the pending vaccine legislation (SB 871) and what that might mean for their children’s enrollment if the legislation goes into effect in the middle of the next school year.

California law already requires that all children enrolled in state schools, both public and private, have certain vaccinations, or receive them when they enroll. We are required to check all new student admissions (Nursery and up) and all students moving to Preschool, Kindergarten and Grade 7. Prior to 2016, personal belief exemptions were allowed but that option is no longer available for new enrollments or those advancing to the next defined grade span.

SB 871 proposes to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of the existing required vaccines (and to allow the addition of future vaccines without legislative approval). It also removes the personal belief exemption allowance for the COVID-19 vaccine. At this point, the bill still must pass through adjustment committees and withstand votes in both the Assembly and Senate before the governor can approve them, so it is unlikely that there will be a definitive outcome for many months. If eventually passed, however, the law will go into effect on January 1, 2023.

Click here to continue.
Summer Camps 2022
It's that time of year!
Spring has sprung and we are making plans for summer.

WSOC will begin registering campers on Wednesday, March 16.

Currently-enrolled students, and those in the 22-23 Admissions process,
may register before the end of March.
Beginning April 1, registration will open to the public.

An Early Bird Discount is available to registrants prior to May 1.

Watch your In-Box for our Summer Camp Brochure,
filled with inspiring summer opportunities for 18 months - 18 years.
Camps run from June 20 - August 5.

First Grade Teacher for Fall 2022:
Gloria Chang
On behalf of the College of Teachers, I am pleased to share a wonderful announcement regarding the upcoming Class of 2034. The choosing of a class teacher is a process held in deep consideration by the College of Teachers, and one we are grateful has come to an auspicious conclusion prior to our registration week. All teachers play a distinctive role in Waldorf Education as they are entrusted to help the children develop a genuine love of learning, and the capacity and will to pursue their own directions in life.

It is with great pleasure that we announce Gloria Chang as the First Grade teacher for the Class of 2034. Gloria has been a valued colleague in our community since 2015, serving as a handwork assistant teacher, grades 1-3 assistant teacher, 3rd grade gardening teacher, and reliable substitute teacher. She completed her Waldorf grades training in June 2018, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Ohio State University and a Masters of Education from New York University. Gloria and her husband are the proud parents of two WSOC students, Lauren in grade 9 and Katherin in grade 4.

The first grade child begins a more conscious awakening to the outside world. The students begin to seek greater authority to help lead them in their next important discoveries. The Waldorf classroom becomes primarily teacher-centered. Gloria will lead the class, serving as main lesson teacher and key authority figure, while specialty teachers provide lessons in Spanish, Mandarin, Handwork, Music, Games and Eurythmy. This unique aspect of Waldorf schooling allows the children to develop a secure, stable relationship with their class teacher and allows the teacher to understand and work with that student’s learning style, strengths and weaknesses over a number of years.

We look forward to welcoming both Gloria Chang and the rising first grade students in September 2022.

Brooke Natzke
On behalf of the WSOC College of Teachers
Faculty Spotlight:
Brad Holm, Games Teacher
How many years have you been at the school as a Games teacher? What other roles have you held at the school?
This is my thirteenth year as the Games teacher. I was a grades assistant for three years and a kindergarten assistant for four years prior to taking on the Games program.

Do you have special training as a Waldorf Games teacher?
I started training to be a games teacher when I was seven years old, learning to play at Oka elementary school in Huntington Beach, but my formal education, after receiving my degree in Political Science from U.C. San Diego, was completing the Foundation Studies program through the Center of Anthroposophy, New Hampshire and then the five year Spatial Dynamics program in New York.

The term "Games" is a bit of a misnomer, as the program is so much more than that. How does Games differ from a standard PE program? How does it mirror Waldorf's developmental curriculum?
Like all of Waldorf education, the Games program meets the student at developmentally appropriate increments. As an example, competitive sports are not introduced until children are nine years old. The reason for this is younger children are not able to separate themselves from the game; therefore, there is no difference from losing a game and being a loser. I use stories and imagination in the lessons for the younger child to acquire skills in strength, stamina, and coordination through play rather than adult led rules oriented competition.

Many families might not know that you are also a beekeeper, and that you have mentored WSOC students for their 8th Grade Projects. Tell us about that!
Twelve years ago my daughter, Julia chose beekeeping as her eighth grade project and I would tag along to the O.C. Beekeepers meetings and to her mentor's home. She built a hive and we placed a swarm, captured from a backyard in El Toro into the hive in our backyard. That hive lasted about three years with many honey harvests. Julia has since moved out, but I no longer feel my garden is complete without a beehive. They have a fascinating energy that I compare to a daytime campfire: you can watch them for hours and there is the element of danger if you get too close.

You and your family (including two WSOC graduates) love to travel. Tell us your top three travel experiences. 
Tough one! Top three: 1. Surfing in Indonesia, Mentawai islands  2. Iceland, driving around that country I have never felt the elemental beings so close and present.  3. Greece. Exploring Santorini and Crete islands and then having my adult children appreciate visiting the ancient sites in Athens.

As alumni parents, what would you and your wife, Annie, say are the most significant benefits you've seen in your (now adult) kids, having experienced Waldorf education from early childhood to high school?
Annie says they are both independent and very comfortable in who they are. I agree, and would add that they have a wonderful curiosity about the world and the people they encounter. 

What is your favorite thing about Waldorf education?
Waldorf education does not define success through what you have or even what you accomplish but what you carry inside. It does not stop at educating the mind or the mind and body but strives to educate the whole child: mind, body and spirit.
High School College Fair
Hosted By Strive to Learn
On March 2, WSOC, in partnership with our college counselors at Strive to Learn, held an on-campus College Fair hosting representatives from 20 different colleges. Large public universities were represented by the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Iowa, Michigan State University, and several others. Small liberal arts colleges were also present, including Marist College, Bucknell University, and Muhlenberg College. Syracuse University offered an example of a large private university, which several of our current seniors have applied to, while Seton Hall University and Elon University represented the more mid-sized private university style. We were even fortunate to host representatives from two international schools, IE University in Spain and the Hult International Business School, which features multiple campuses in the US and abroad.

The college representatives were impressed with WSOC's students, their curiosity, and the kinds of questions they asked, said Strive to Learn college counselor William Giacchi. "Multiple reps praised the students for their openness to learning more and the wide range of activities they are able to participate in as Waldorf students (blacksmithing was cited a few times!)."

This spring College Fair, in addition to the other campus visits offered throughout the year, aligns with Strive to Learn's goal of informing the students and families of the Waldorf School of Orange County about the range of options that are available to them after high school. As part of their partnership with the WSOC High School, they seek to foster a sense of curiosity in students about their future planning, to assist them with developing academic and career goals, and to educate on what they might need to do to achieve those goals. Inviting representatives from a wide range of colleges provides Waldorf School students with an excellent opportunity to learn about the diverse range of college types in the US and internationally, as well as to discover specific colleges they might want to learn more about in the future.
Senior Projects Showcase: March 24 in Meadows Hall
Senior Showcase Topics

Bill:  Modern Money - Looking at the Past to Impact the Future
Sophia: Not the Next Picasso - The Importance of Everyday Art
Florence: Not Yet- The Power of Possibility
Emma: Face First Into Failure - Finding Joy in the Challenge
Sabrina: How Did This Happen? The Story of Food Waste
Antonio: Tesla vs. the World - Why Electric Cars are Not the Future
Bruno: Lego Bricks: Building Your Way out of Stress and Anxiety
Katie J: Are You Okay? Reducing Stigma of Self-Harm Through Conversation
Ruby: To the Moon and Back - Harnessing the Power of Lunar Phases
Carson: More than a Dream - Optimizing Health in a Tired World
Ailee: Know Yourself -The Path to Self-Discovery
Katie F: Let Go of Me - The Problem of Youth Restraint
Faith: Radical Vulnerability - The Road to Authenticity
Leo: Clean it Up - Taking Responsibility for the Ocean
As one example of our Senior Projects, Grade 12 student Sabrina K. recently interviewed Becca Macias, kitchen manager of MoonGoat Coffee in Costa Mesa, about handling food waste in the restaurant industry.

"Having everyone on the same page is key to minimizing food waste," said Macias. "You can have checklists and systems in place, but if everyone isn't on the same page then it just won’t work. Communicating with your team members like, hey, this item that you’re preparing is very expensive or it’s very time consuming to prepare makes them aware of potentially putting too much avocado on the avocado toast. It's about keeping up those lines of communication and when we see it, just giving a gentle reminder here and there. Making sure everyone is aware of the idea of keeping food waste low and keeping costs down. At the end of the day, it is a business, and you can’t just throw things away. After a while those things add up!"

For Sabrina's interview in its entirety, click here. 
WSOC High School Fuel Cell Race Car Team
Headed to CA State Championship
Congratulations to our WSOC High School Fuel Cell Race Car team! This past weekend WSOC competed against Schools from Southern California to qualify for the State Championships. Our team raced in 4 2-hour long endurances races with our two cars trying to complete as many laps as possible. The goal was to run the highest number of lap counts on the one allotted battery and 10 hydro sticks. The cars were built by our students over the last few months in our after school club and have to fully run on hydrogen power with one RC battery. 

Our students, who are in their first year together as a team, prevailed against bigger schools and much more experienced groups. They are now going to compete on March 26 at the CA Championships in Pomona in a four hour Endurance Race. The top three teams will then travel to the Netherlands in June to compete in the World Championships. Read more in the article below!
H2GP SoCal Regional, Powered by Young Talent and...

"My success story is the kind of entrepreneurship story that people like to glamorize, but the reason those stories are popular is because they're so unlikely.

Read more
Campus Snapshots
Ms. Rodelo's Grade 5 students practiced movement exercises on the field with the help of some special goat guests.
Meet Grade 4's newest class members: Oreo, Chocolate and Marshmallow!
Grade 8 didn't realize it at the time, but Mr. Brad tricked them into running sprints during Games class with the help of some water and sponges on a recent unseasonably warm day!
Ms. Maria's Parent Enrichment class recently enjoyed some wet-on-wet watercolor painting in the brisk sunshine.
Ms. Peterson, Early Years teacher, visited Mr. Storm's Grade 6 to bake bread with them in preparation for their Feast of Fools, the final event in their medieval block.
Ms. Terri and Ms. Oriana's kindergarten class chopped vegetables for a delicious soup.
On March 7, our seniors gathered to participate in one of our most popular events, Tea with the 12th Grade. They shared their Waldorf journeys (some having started in Pre-K at WSOC) with a rapt audience of students, parents and new community members.
Our high school Track and Field Team competed successfully in Claremont against 13 other schools yesterday. We finished 8th overall with some great wins and top finishes! Way to go Wildcats! 
For years, WSOC wished upon a star to extend the same quality of care, love and support to families as our other Early Childhood programs in a new Drop-Off Nursery Program. It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the first step in actualizing our dream – the delivery of a new building! The next steps are construction and the most rewarding part, for us to dream and warm the space to welcome the children and their families! - Maria Morioka, WSOC Nursery Teacher
Company of Angels

Spring items are coming in daily to brighten your horizon! Please come in for a cup of coffee or tea or to just say hello. Pam and I are here to help you with your personal shopping needs or SCRIP obligations!

With love,
Nona and The Angels
Scrip of the Week:
Founded in 1861 in NYC, Bloomingdales makes fashion personal and fun, aspirational yet approachable. Their mission is to guide and inspire their customers to make style a source of creative energy in their lives.

Visit Scrip Coordinator Pam Lusk in The Company of Angels to learn more about purchasing Scrip! Don't forget you can encourage your family and friends to buy Scrip, too, to add to your family account., 949-574-7775 ext. 201
Mon 3/14 - Fri 3/18 • All School Re-Registration
Wed 3/16, 6:30p - 7:30p • Grade 2 Parent Evening
Thu 3/17, 8:45a - 9:45a • Parent Enrichment for Early Years parents
Mon 3/21, 6:00p - 7:30p • Grade 7 Parent Meeting
Mon 3/21, 6:00p - 9:00p • Board Meeting
Wed 3/23 • Playgroup and Bridge Group Parent Meeting
Thu 3/24, 8:45a - 9:45a • Parent Enrichment for Early Years parents
Thu 3/24, 12:00p - 1:00p • Meet the Admissions Director (virtual)
Thu 3/24, 1:15p - 3:15p • Senior Projects
Sun 3/27 • Passover
Mon 3/28 • Newsletter
Mon 3/28, 6:00p - 7:00p • Class of 2023 Parent Meeting

Adult Education
Fri 3/25, 5:00p - 9:00p • Adult Education Program Grades (Foundation Studies: 7pm-9pm)
Sat 3/26, 8:30a - 4:30p • Adult Education Program (all)

News & Announcements
How to Spend Your High School Summer

At the risk of stating the obvious, please keep in mind that you don't have to pick only one of these-you'll likely get far more out of pursuing things related to all five. That said, you probably have limited time. Or if not, let me know how...

Read more
Waldorf Alum Connections
Did you know that AWSNA offered a continental New Year happy hour for alums across the continent? Seventy-five alums attended and it was a blast! Quarterly social events are now on the schedule.
Need an architect, an artist, an accountant? Support alum businesses and share with your community the alum business directory.
As we journey through a second year of our Continental Alum Connect program and the accompanying online networking platform, we would like to remind you to share an invitation with alums and alum parents. Here is a direct link to join:
For more information on the above activities, or to join the monthly alum networking calls, connect with Nita June at

  • The Continental Waldorf Alum Business Directory
  • currently listing 125 businesses
  • sharing alums' successes and endeavors far and wide
  • Mentorship and Mentee Opportunities
  • with 100s of alum registrants offering themselves up as mentors, the potential support for young alums is truly boundless.
  • Alum Parent Registration
  • the platform welcomes not only alums, but alum parents as well, with the hopes of parents sharing job postings and internship offerings
  • School Community Pages*
  • fully manage events and registration in one place
  • integrated Zoom for events
  • full fundraising capabilities offered directly through the WAC platform
  • * offered for an additional annual fee
  • Internship and Employment Postings
  • Searchable Alum Map by location, industry, class year, school affiliation and more.
Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation
Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948
(949) 574-7775