September 2021
In This Issue:

  • Education Resources
  • Virtual Adult Programming
  • Upcoming Family Support Network Meetings
  • Disability Voter Registration Week
  • WSA National Convention
  • #Walk4Williams Thank you
  • Share Your Stories!
Back to School Resources
The learner with Williams syndrome (WS) can be both the biggest joy and the biggest challenge for the educators charged with their instruction. Students with Williams syndrome are often caring, engaging, and excited learners. They also have a unique learning profile which requires educators to teach to the learner and allow the learner to access their curriculum in unique ways.

The WSA has actively supported research on the cognitive, educational, and behavioral profiles of students with Williams syndrome for more than 15 years. This research has led to the development of a variety of resources to support parents and educators of these unique learners. Our goal is to continue to define this profile to ensure we are able to provide accurate guidance and support to the educators who are teaching students with Williams syndrome.

Resources provided by the WSA include:

  • WSA and expert produced papers on a variety of educational topics
  • Consultation services
  • Training for school teams
  • IEP review 

Resources can be found on the WSA website under the Education section

We also have a website devoted exclusively to remote learning, with numerous teaching resources for individuals who are teaching or learning remotely, and can be accessed here.
We hope parents, students, and educators will have a rewarding and healthy school year. Throughout the month of September, and periodically thereafter, we will highlight some of the many resources currently available and introduce new guidelines on literacy and math instruction.

First, and of significant importance is the introduction (or reminder for those who know her well), of our educational consultant, Robin Pegg, MEd, COTA/L, ATP.
Robin is a RESNA certified Assistive Technology Professional who has dedicated her 20+ year career to promoting the full and equal access of individuals with disabilities. She prides herself on staying on the cutting edge of available tools, strategies and supporting research in the fields of assistive technology, differentiating instruction, and Universal Design for Learning. Robin’s dual background in occupational therapy and assistive technology affords her a unique perspective when in pursuit of solutions for access.

Robin has spent more than 15 years specializing in the educational and access needs of individuals with Williams syndrome. In her role as the educational consultant for the Williams Syndrome Association, she has worked closely with researchers around the world to coordinate and then disseminate current research into best practices and instructional strategies for teachers to implement with the students they are supporting.

Robin holds a Bachelor Degree in Administration from Baker College and graduated summa cum laude from Bowling Green State University with a Masters in Special Education - Assistive Technology. Robin is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Health Professions from A.T. Still University.

She has published numerous articles and publications on assistive technology implementation and her findings were showcased in Chapter 10 of From Possibility to Success by Patrick Schwarz, Ph.D.

Phone: 231-578-4496 (cell)
Virtual Adult Programming: Volunteers Needed
The virtual social gatherings for adults with Williams syndrome (our "Adventure Seekers") are starting up again this fall after a short summer hiatus, and will continue monthly throughout the rest of 2022. Beginning in January 2022, we will be expanding the content and returning to a bi-monthly schedule. Watch for more information soon.

WSA staff and dedicated volunteers facilitate the gatherings, and as the number of participants grow, we need more volunteer facilitators. Would you like to spend an hour with amazing adults with WS?

No experience necessary! Volunteers host "Zoom breakout rooms," helping to facilitate activities and lead conversation. Additional volunteers will allow for more breakout rooms and help to ensure that everyone has a chance to share. What's the commitment? Once a month on either a Tuesday at 4 p.m. ET or Thursday 7 p.m. ET.

Please contact Jennifer O'Byrne via email: to join the fun! Thank you!
Family Support Network

The September meetings of the Dual Diagnosis support groups are coming up soon:

September 22 at 7 p.m. EDT for parents/caregivers of adults.

September 23 at 8 p.m. EDT for parents/caregivers of children 18 and younger.

The WS-ASD support groups are part of our Family Support Network. Watch for further details as we continue to expand the network in the coming months.
Disability Voter Registration Week
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is hosting the 5th annual National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) this week! Throughout the week, more than 100 national, state, and local organizations and advocates will be hosting events, town halls, and other initiatives to build the power of the disability vote.

We support their efforts, as we know that many rights and opportunities stem from laws and bills that affect the daily lives and support of individuals with Williams syndrome. We urge our community to join their efforts and make sure everyone is registered to vote!
WSA National Convention 2022
The 2022 national convention committee is hard at work designing programs, securing speakers and volunteers, and finalizing each detail for our first hybrid convention.

Save the date and watch for details and updates in the coming months. The hotel room block is now accepting reservations. Convention registration will begin in early 2022.

When: July 12 - 16, 2022

Where: Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center, Schaumburg, IL (and some virtual offerings)

What: Four days of educational sessions for parents; specialized programming for children and adults with WS and their siblings; research participation opportunities and a whole lot of fun!

Scholarships: Available based on financial need. Application available in January, 2022.

We look forward to seeing you in Schaumburg next summer!
#Walk4Williams: Thank you!
Thank you!

We’d to thank the 1500+ participants who gathered both virtually, and in person (in MI and CA) on August 28th to support their family members and friends with Williams syndrome and raise critical funding to support the programs of the WSA. With your help, we’ve raised nearly $200,000 to date.

If you didn’t get to participate, you can still share in everyone’s joy that day through the photos included in our thank you video.

And if you’d like to help us reach our goal of $350,000, it’s not too late. The 2021 Virtual Walk4Williams doesn’t “officially” close until the end of September, and there is still time to join the upcoming in-person walks in Minnesota, Texas and California.
Share Your Stories!
Our social media platforms are a great place to share stories about children and adults with Williams syndrome, such as our #WilliamsWednesday posts and more! We are looking for timely stories right now about education, extracurricular activities, college experiences, employment (October is Disability Employment Awareness Month) and tips you think might help other families in our community.

Please take a moment to fill out one of our forms: we look forward to continuing to share a variety of stories about individuals of all ages and cultures.
Stay Connected: