March 2024
March Content Ideas
Check out WPPI's website for marketing and social media content for March. Visit the Utility Services section for the customer communications calendar, social media images and post ideas, news releases and much more.

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Promoting Energy Assistance
There is still time to actively promote energy assistance to your customers. We encourage you to explore WPPI's comprehensive marketing toolkit, which offers a wealth of up-to-date materials. Additionally, we are thrilled to share that the first two emails of the Energy Assistance Support Emails (EASE) Program were sent out in October and January with the third email set to go out later this month. Check out the link below for a sample of the January email.

Through EASE, members contact past Energy Assistance participants via email. These emails not only encourage customers to apply for Energy Assistance, but also allow utilities the opportunity to align their brand with Energy Assistance programs, which are proven to have extremely high customer satisfaction. If you have questions about EASE or would like to participate in EASE during the 2024-25 heating season, reach out to Anna Stieve.
Focus on Energy Co-Branded Video
Focus on Energy is currently offering a co-brandable video that promotes the partnership with participating utilities and encourages residents to participate in the program. The video will include several mentions of your utility, your logo, and the URL to your Focus on Energy utility landing page.
Additional Member Highlights:
Stoughton Utilities released their 2023 Year in Review.
Sun Prairie Utilities provides an update on their new facility in their March 2023 newsletter.
The 2024 National Theatre for Children performances are in full swing, with members actively engaging schools and promoting the event on social media.
Member Idea Exchange
Each month, we will be sharing examples of requests we receive from members, so you can take a look at what other member utilities are up to.
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