Volume 5: Issue 1. May 12, 2023

Leaders in Workforce Development

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection

Labour Market Updates, News & Community Info

This Week:

The Latest from WPH: Register for the EmployerOne 2023 Results Presentation, Happy Mothers Day, WPH is Hiring, Hamilton's Labour Force April 2023

Who's Hiring in Hamilton: Hamilton Public Library, Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, Wesley

Community Updates: St. Charles Computer Classes, Mothers Day Health & Wellness Luncheon, IWC: Online Interview Skills Prep, Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

News: 10 books on career development to read in spring 2023, Resources to support career development clients living with a substance use disorder

Register for the EmployerOne 2023 Results Presentation!

The results are in! This year WPH partnered again with the City of Hamilton’s Economic Development office to develop and administer the survey. Hamilton employers – whether small, medium, or large businesses/organizations – shared their hiring experiences, business outlooks, and concerns and priorities going into the new year. This survey provides an essential update on how local employers were faring in 2023’s labour market.

Register Now!


The Latest From WPH

We are Hamilton's leaders in Workforce Development

Happy Mothers Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhoodmaternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.

Happy Mothers Day!

WPH is Hiring!

Workforce Planning Hamilton is Now Hiring a Data Analyst Assistant for our Student Summer Position.


Between 15 and 30 years of age and Legally entitled to work in Canada.

Please send your resume to michelle.butcher@workforceplanninghamilton.ca

Hamilton's Labour Force: April 2023

An update on Hamilton's Force for April 2023

Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

Click here for WPH's Job Board

Hamilton Public Library is hiring for a Library Page.

Click here to view job posting!

Hamilton Regional Indian Centre is hiring for a Receptionist.

Click here to view job posting!

Wesley is hiring a RAP Housing Worker.

Click here to view job posting!

#HamOnt Community Updates

Find out what's happening in our community

St. Charles Computer Classes

St. Charles Adult & Continuing will be offering FREE in-person computer classes next week. Register today! 

Computer Basics (May 10-31, Mon & Wed): Computer Class for Beginners (stcharles.ca)

Computer Skills Upgrading (May 9-June 13, Tue & Thu) Computer Skills Upgrading (stcharles.ca)

Computer Job Readiness Training  (May 9-June 13, Tue & Thu): https://www.stcharles.ca/programs/computer-job-readiness-training

Mothers Day Health & Wellness Luncheon

The Olive Branch of Hope, Cancer Support Services is hosting a free Health & Wellness Luncheon on May 13th.



IWC: Online Interview Skills Prep

In this 6-week online program, clients will learn essential hands-on training to build their technical skills for working in a digital world. Clients will practice their skills with video conference platforms, master their presentation skills and receive expert coaching to succeed in online interviews! For more information or client referrals, please contact Lelav at lkittani@iwchamilton.ca

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Violence and hate in our community is on the rise. Women, girls, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people experience violence at higher rates than anyone else in our Hamilton and Halton communities.


Walk in solidarity with survivors and help create a Hamilton that’s free of hate and violence.

Funds raised at Walk a Mile in Their Shoes provides supports, advocacy and services to women, girls and gender-diverse people experience violence.


Join YWCA Hamilton and the community in-person or virtually as an individual walker or create your own team!

Virtual Walk Week: June 7 – 14, 2023

In-person Ceremony and Walk: June 14, 2023

Where: The Forecourt – Hamilton City Hall

When: 11:00am – 1:00pm


In-Person Registration: $42.00

In-Person Student Registration: $6.00

Virtual Registration: FREE


What's in the News?

10 books on career development to read in spring 2023 

The renewal that comes with springtime brings opportunities for fresh reflection. Here are new titles to help new and seasoned career professionals support clients looking to pivot careers, better understand the impact of the pandemic on women, and guide students on building successful career trajectories.


Career Coaching: Fundamentals, Applications and Future Directions – Heather N. Maietta 

Readers will find an overview of the practice of career coaching, a brief history of the field and a comparison to career counseling. Techniques, ethics, theories and models, and assessments are shared to increase knowledge and proficiency in delivering career coaching services to diverse clients.


Career Enlighten: Ultimate Insider Strategies to Get and Enjoy Your Perfect Job, Income, and Fulfillment – Yardena Krongold 

Yardena Krongold relies on her decades of experience as a career coach and head of HR for Fortune 500 companies to offer advice on identifying and implementing small changes to find a more fulfilling career, life balance and personal happiness. 

Career Roadmap: Setting Yourself Up to Reach Your Career Aspirations (Roadmap Series) – Greta Oliver 

This resource is for individuals looking to pivot their careers. It offers an easy-to-follow roadmap for finding interests, discovering self and successfully navigating career journeys with clarity, confidence and control. 

Read more here!

Resources to support career development clients living with a substance use disorder

Career professionals help create positive health, social and economic outcomes for individuals, institutions and communities. Here are some resources to help you work more effectively with clients living with a substance use disorder or who are in recovery. Recognizing the bounds of the profession and referring clients to appropriate services when needed is also vital to ensuring clients receive the support they need.

Building trust, transparency and empowerment with trauma-informed career services (CareerWise) [Article]

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Principles are six evidence-based principles for trauma-informed care. Practitioners across human services can use the SAMHSA Principles to understand and implement a trauma-informed approach in their work. This article is the second in a two-part series on SAMHSA. It covers the principles of Trustworthiness and Transparency, and Empowerment, Voice and Choice.

Career development for those who experience persistent and severe mental illness (CERIC) [Blog]

This post discusses the challenges facing people who experience persistent and serious mental illness, and the importance and influence of meaningful work to support their well-being.

Read more here!

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Contact Travis MacCarl via email: consultant@workforceplanninghamilton.ca

Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca


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