Newsletter December 2017

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WODL Festival 2018  WODL tweets   Theatre Ontario Festival 2018

Get the Latest News on Festival 2018
Buying Tickets for Festival 2018

By Charmaine Jacklin, Chair WODL Festival 2018 Committee, charmaine@wodl.on.ca 
Buying series tickets online:
  1. Navigate to www.imperialtheatre.net.
  2. Click the Buy Tickets button.
    The Calendar page opens.
  3. On the left side of the screen, click Buy WODL 2018.
    The Buy Subscription page opens.
  4. Enter the number of series tickets that you want to buy.
  5. Click the Buy Now button.
    The Select Seats page opens.
  6. Select your seats.
  7. Click Add to Cart.
    Note: The series tickets do not include banquet tickets.
  8.  On the Login/Signup page, enter:
    • your ID, if you have bought tickets at the Imperial Theatre before, or
    • your personal information to create a new ID.
  9. Click Next.
  10. If you want to buy tickets for individual performances or banquet tickets, click Continue Shopping.
  11.  If you have finished, click Check out.

Buying tickets to individual performances online:
  1. Navigate to www.imperialtheatre.net.
  2. Click the Buy Tickets button.
    The Calendar page opens.
  3. Scroll down to the five individual performances.
  4. Select a performance.
    The Buy Tickets page opens.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Enter the number of tickets that you need for the performance.
  7. Click Next.
    The Select Seats page opens.
  8. Select your seats.
  9. Click Add to Cart.
  10. Click Click here to go to the Shopping Cart.
  11. If you want to buy more individual, or series, tickets, or banquet tickets click Continue Shopping.
  12. If you have finished click Check Out.

Buying Banquet tickets:

For the banquet you have three meal options:
  • Regular
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
Banquet tickets are sold on an individual basis and unfortunately, you do not have the online option of letting us know for seating purposes what theatre group you are with. However; if you call the box office, the box office volunteers can enter that information into your account profile.

Buying banquet tickets online:
  1. Navigate to www.imperialtheatre.net.
  2. Click the Buy Tickets button.
    The Calendar page opens.
  3. Scroll down to the three banquet options.
  4. Select your meal type.
    The Buy Tickets page opens.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Enter the number of banquet tickets that you need.
  7. Click Next.
    The Price Codes page opens.
  8. Click Click here to go to the Shopping Cart.
  9. If you want to buy individual, or series, tickets click Continue Shopping.
  10. If you have finished click Check Out.

Buying tickets through the box office:

When you buy tickets through the box office, you do not have to pay any extra fees for online transactions.

You can always check out what seats are available before you call by following the instructions above without clicking on the seats that you want.

The box office is open Monday - Friday 11 am to 5 pm; Saturday 10 am - 2 pm.
Phone (519) 344-7469.  If you do not get an answer, please leave a message and we will get back with you.
Who's Who at Festival 2018 - Sarnia - March 12 to 17 2018

By Henri Canino, WODL Area VP Essex-Lampton-Kent, henri@wodl.on.ca 
Meet our WODL Festival 2018 Coordinators
Frank Canino - Box Office Coordinator

Frank started as a box office volunteer back in 2012 and when the box office manager position came open we were delighted to have Frank take it on with his energy and passion.


Drawn in to Theatre Sarnia by the late, great, Dave Dunk, Frank has worked primarily in set construction and design but has also dabbled in sound, lighting, and producer duties over the years.


Frank gets a thrill helping engage people with the variety of entertaining, as well as challenging, heartfelt productions at the Imperial Theatre through coordination of ticket sales and group bookings.


Frank wants you to remember to leave a message when calling the box office to order tickets for festival ( it gets busy in there!) and he will get back to you ASAP!

Brian Austin Jr. - Executive Director
Brian has been with the Imperial Theatre since the Year 2000. He has enjoyed working in every aspect of the theatre and finds a new respect for the performing arts every day.

Brian loves to work hard and the theatre provides him many opportunities to do just that. He loves being part of the team at the Imperial and is thankful for such great co-workers.

Please don't hesitate to get in contact with Brian with any questions concerning the upcoming festival in Sarnia!
WODL 2018 Festival Stage Managers - Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson has been involved with Theatre Sarnia since 1985 working backstage, onstage, producing, stage-managing and now running the 50-50 ticket sales at each show.

For over 10 years he was one of the main leaders running our youth group and we are very thankful for all that he has contributed to our theatre.

Paul would like the in-festival entry participants to be aware of the following information before potentially heading to Sarnia this March:  
When each festival group arrives at the Imperial Theatre during WODL 2018 Festival Week,  they will be met at the Stage Door Entrance by one of three Stage Managers:
Joe Agocs, Paul Richardson or Godfrey Stevens.
They will give you a brief tour of the building, state the various safety rules, and generally make themselves available to answer questions  or point you in the direction of someone who can.  
They will be working a variety of shifts during the week,  so each festival group should have dealings with at least two of them.
The Festival Stage Management award goes to the group which moves in,  sets up, rehearses, runs their show, strikes their set, leaves the theatre  as they found it, follows all the safety rules and does all the aforementioned  with the minimum of raised voices, hissy fits, panic attacks, fisticuffs or spilled blood.
Note: During set construction and removal, the stage is regarded as a construction zone and hard hats and safety shoes are required. 
Looking forward to seeing you all at Festival!

Ruth and Norm Francoeur - Hosts in the Hospitality Room
Ruth & Norm Francoeur started their theatrical adventure together with Sarnia Little Theatre in 1987 until 1994. When employment opportunities took them to Fort McMurray, they continued to be involved with Keyano Theatre Company, behind and on stage. Retirement brought them back to Sarnia in 2011.

Ruth is currently a Junior Youth Group leader and sits on the Production Committee, Community Engagement Committee, Play Reading Group and assists with Theatre Sarnia promotions.

Norm is a member of the Play Reading Group, Co-Chair of the Properties Department and lends a hand whenever needed. He is excited to be directing his first full length Theatre Sarnia production, Strangers Among Us, in February 2018.

Norm and Ruth are looking forward to reviving their festival positions, as your "hosts with the most" in the Festival Hospitality Room. Come by and sit a spell, sign our guest book, check out local information and pick up a designer swag bag!
Theatre Ontario Festival 2018 - London, Ontario - May 16 to May 20 2018
By Anne Mooney, Chair Theatre Ontario Festival 2018, anne@wodl.on.ca

Hosted by
London Community Players, Western Ontario Drama League
and Theatre Ontario.

May 16 - 20, 2018 at the Palace Theatre.

  • 4 show package - order before February 1, 2018 (a great Christmas gift!) just $88.
  • 4 show package - after February 1, 2018 - $96
  • Awards Brunch - $35
  • Single Tickets - $27
Tickets go on sale on December 15, 2017.

Order online at  www.theatreontariofestival.ca (extra charge for online sales).
Call the LCP Box Office at 519 432 1029. Box office hours are Tuesday to Friday from 11 am - 7 pm.

Check the festival website (after December 15) at  www.theatreontariofestival.ca for Festival schedule and hotel information.
New WODL Board Member - Linda Pagnotta - Area VP Bruce-Grey-Huron

Linda is well known for her theatre stage work in her community with the Kincardine Theatre Guild (KTG) and has been a member since 2006. Her interest in acting began in high school which included involvement in the productions of The Wizard of Oz and in West Side Story.
Linda's proudest theatre credits include: Self-Help, Cindy (KTG), Caught in the Net, a British farce, Barbara, (KTG) and I Ought to be in pictures, Steffy, (KTG) which she was nominated as most promising newcomer at the Western Ontario Drama League (WODL) festival and at the (Theatre Ontario) level in 2008.
Her drive has always been to work with like minded individuals who share the belief that "every role" is important. Working behind the scenes as Front of House co-manager for several plays has given her an even greater appreciation for the crew, and what it takes to produce a production.
She is pleased to have worked on her "first" documentary for the Bruce County Heritage 150th Documentary project, and continues to improve her craft through training, workshops and other venues. Linda aspires to work on other stages, including Film and TV. She recently retired LKP Consulting, her training company, after twenty-five years, and looks forward to professionally pursuing her first love for acting and the theatre.
Linda is happy to have accepted the position with WODL as Area VP for Bruce-Grey-Huron, and is excited about visiting the other theatres throughout the region.
News from Around the WODL Region

By Janice Lundy, member WODL Communications Committee, janice@wodl.on.ca 

Looking for a show to take in during the holidays? There are several WODL groups putting on big productions to get you in the spirit of the season!


You still have a chance to see Cambridge Community Players Bob's Your Elf, which runs until December 9. London Community Players presents their production of Anne of Green Gables from December 1-10. The tradition of holiday pantomime continues at the  Elgin Theatre Guild with their latest, Sinbad The Sailor: A British Panto, running from December 7-17. The Hanover Community Players present Robin Hood and the Heroes of Sherwood Forest from December 8-10, and ITOPA's show Pollyanna runs from December 8-17. Finally, Theatre Sarnia is putting on A Christmas Story (The Musical) from December 15-23.

In the Footsteps of John McCrae

By Deb Deckert, WODL Secretary, secretary@wodl.on.ca
If you're a history buff and love to go to the actual locations, here is a special opportunity to travel to Belgium and France to tour WWI sites "In the Footsteps of John McCrae". Famed writer of In Flanders Fields, next year marks the 100th anniversary of McCrae's death and the Guelph Museums have arranged a very unique tour. It will be led by Bev Dietrich, WODL Area VP for Waterloo-Wellington and former Guelph Museum curator. It runs April 27 - May 5, 2018. Limited to 36, it's filling up quickly! 

Ypres, Vimmy, Somme, Passchendael,  Sanctuary Wood and Hill 62, Essex Field and Wimereux Cemeteries - images to make you stand proudly Canadian! 

Special guests coming along on this tour are Mike Ford and Murray Foster who will be performing their play The Sons of the '17 at the Flanders Field Museum. It's a wonderful show with music that was presented at the McCrae House in 2016. It's the story of two Canadians, one English, one French, discussing the merits of enlisting as soldiers in the Great War.

Bev was previously invited by the Belgian government to speak about McCrae's Guelph childhood home so she is thrilled and honoured to be returning to lead this tour. She advises bringing a hanky during the walks through the trenches and the laying of the wreath at the Menin Gate. On the upside, she says the beer and chocolate in Belgium are fabulous!  Join Bev and a few other members of the Elmira Theatre Company who have already booked their tickets for an experience you won't forget.

Check worldwide.on.ca/MCCRAE18 or  guelphmuseums.ca for more information.
WODL now on Twitter

WODL now has a Twitter account, @WODLtheatre.

If you do not have a twitter account, you can view the WODL tweets by clicking the Twitter button on the main page of the WODL website, or by clicking here.
If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out

The Playwrights Guild of Canada publicises productions of Canadian-written plays through its website, www.playwrightsguild.ca.

PGC also publishes a list of theatre companies that have an all-Canadian season. Click here to obtain a nomination form for this list.

If you want to perform a Canadian play but cannot figure out where to obtain the amateur performance rights, view this presentation from PGC.
ONstage Theatre Listings

Theatre Ontario publishes an online list of current and upcoming productions by its member groups. To see what is on  click here.
Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?

Are you on the board of a theatre group that belongs to WODL? If your group has:
  • A new President
  • New WODL delegates
  • A new Treasurer
Please let our membership chair, Sue Perkins, know at  membership@wodl.on.ca
Dates for your Diary

18 February 2018 WODL general meeting, Sarnia, in-Festival finalists announced
12 to 17 March 2018 WODL Festival 2018, Sarnia
16  to 20 May 2018 Theatre Ontario Festival 2018, London
This newsletter was prepared by:  

Tricia Ward
Communications Coordinator

Western Ontario Drama League | communications@wodl.on.ca | http://www.wodl.on.ca