Western Ontario Drama League
Newsletter May 2021
In this issue:

  • Update from the President of WODL
  • Community Theatre in the WODL Region
  • GST/HST Workshops for Community Theatres
  • New Plays from the Playwights Canada Press
  • Off the Wall - Costume Design - Online Course
  • Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
  • If you are producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
  • Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
  • Dates for your Diary
Quick Links:
Update from the President of WODL
By Mona Brennan Coles, WODL President, president@wodl.on.ca
What a difference a few days makes! The snow last week is gone and our tree is leafing in the sunshine.  I am SO looking forward to warmer weather!
Membership Fees

Membership fees will remain at $15 annually. If you have any questions, please contact our treasurer, Peter Busby at treasurer@wodl.on.ca.

What’s Next For WODL

When and how WODL could meet in person

We continued the discussion on in-person activities that we began at our March board meeting. With the ongoing Ontario-wide lockdown and with no clear path to re-opening our theatres, we realized that we can't plan anything at the moment. So, we’re keeping a list of our ideas, such as bringing Minifest back, an in-person AGM with theatre activities and shared food, or a theatre weekend of workshops. Please let us know if you have something to add to our list by reaching out to your Area VPs – their contact information is here.

The WODL Board has deferred the decision about providing local adjudications in the 2021-2022 season until our June meeting.

Virtual Workshops

The virtual workshops (faux food and makeup) we offered in March were enjoyed by those who attended. Thank you for Michelle Jamieson and Georgia Steel from Off the Wall!  We talked about offering more virtual workshops – the challenges include being “zoomed out” and not being able to use what we learned in the immediate future. So, we’ll wait to decide about more virtual workshops until our path to live performances is clearer. 

Next WODL Board Meeting/President’s Update

Traditionally the WODL board does not meet in May and meets in early June in Kincardine. This year, like last year, we’ll meet virtually. So look for the next President’s update in mid-June.
Community Theatre in the WODL Region
Several WODL member groups are keeping active during this time. A good place to find out about these activities is on the WODL Facebook page, WODL | Facebook. Most of the announcements are at fairly short notice, so check in often!

If your group is putting on an event that you would like included in the June newsletter, please send the information to communications@wodl.on.ca.

Elora Community Theatre - Virtual Playhouse

Elora Community Theatre’s Virtual Playhouse presents Stuart Little adapted by Joseph Robinette based on the book by E.B. White. It will stream live on the ECT YouTube channel on May 15, 2021. This iconic children’s story featuring a mouse who is adopted into a human family, will be brought to life by director Deb Stanson, and is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. For more information see www.eloracommunitytheatre.com/virtual-playhouse.html
Guelph Little Theatre

Guelph Little Theatre is pleased to present Capulet’s Corner as the newest online offering. It can be found on the website www.guelphlittletheatre.com/big-shows. It is inspired by characters from the final planned show for the 2019-2020 season – Romeo and Rosalind by Andrew Batten. In this series of episodes, Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet, his normal activities curtailed by the pandemic, has taken it upon himself to share his wealth of knowledge with his fellow citizens by hosting a radio call-in show.
GST/HST Workshops for Community Theatres
ACT-CO have invited the members of WODL to join them in a free, online GST/HST information for community theatres presentation.
This session is given by the CRA – GST/HST Outreach Program. This presentation is tailored to the needs of community theatres. It will explain:

  • How your theatre group can meet its GST/HST obligations.
  • How your theatre group can claim all the GST/HST refunds that it is entitled to.
There are two one-hour sessions:
  • Wednesday 16 June 2021 at 7:00 pm – for charities.
  • Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 7:00 pm – for not-for-profits.
Further details and registration information will appear in the June newsletter.
New Plays from the Playwrights Canada Press
By Jessica Lewis, Sales & Marketing Manager, Playwrights Canada Press, jessica@playwrightscanada.com 
Check out these new releases from Playwrights Canada Press:

Bare Bear Bones by Michael Grant
In an effort to rekindle their spark, empty nesters Norm and Ruth book a trip to a familiar family campground, only to realize that it’s now a nudist camp. 

Halfway There by Norm Foster
A heartbroken doctor meets four gregarious women in a small Maritime town in this feel-good comedy about the true bonds of friendship.
The Bridge by Shauntay Grant
Set in a rural Black Nova Scotian community, this gospel-infused tale explores the complex relationship between two brothers strained over twenty years of secrecy, deception, and dishonour.

Pre-orders these coming soon:

When Words Sing turns the spotlight on everything that goes into writing for opera, featuring seven contemporary Canadian libretti.
The archetypal student-teacher romance is cleverly turned on its head for the post-#MeToo era.
WROL (Without Rule of Law) by Michaela Jeffery
A darkly comic coming-of-age story about eighth-grade survivalists. 

We also just announced our fall slate, and everything is available for pre-order!

 You can find more new releases, books coming soon, and a blog full of interviews and excerpts on playwrightscanada.com!
Off the Wall - Costume Design - Online Course
By Michele Boniface, Chair, Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance, mboniface@cyg.net
Click here for a printable version of this poster.

Facebook @offthewallstrat
Hashtags: #stratfordoffthewall #theatreproduction #backstage
Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
The Canadian Play Outlet has over 2000 Canadian Plays right at your fingertips. Looking for something specific? Check out the curated Collections.

Every month you can take a look at the newest unpublished and published plays available!
If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
The Playwrights Guild of Canada publicises productions of Canadian-written plays through its website, www.playwrightsguild.ca.

If you want to perform a Canadian play but cannot figure out where to obtain the amateur performance rights, view this presentation from PGC.
Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
Are you on the board of a theatre group that belongs to WODL? If your group has:

  • A new President
  • New WODL delegates
  • A new Treasurer

Please let our membership chair, Tim Dawdy, know at membership@wodl.on.ca
Dates for your Diary:
31 May 2021
Deadline for submissions for the June newsletter
18 July 2021
WODL Annual General Meeting, Zoom
13 March to 18 March 2023
WODL Festival 2023
11 March to 16 March 2024
WODL Festival 2024, Leamington
This newsletter was prepared by:
Tricia Ward
Communications coordinator

Western Ontario Drama League  | communications@wodl.on.ca | www.wodl.on.ca

Copyright © Western Ontario Drama League 2021. All Rights Reserved.