Western Ontario Drama League
Newsletter December 2019
In this issue:

  • WODL Festival 2020 - 16 to 20 March 2020 - Cambridge
  • The Future of Theatre Ontario
  • Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre - Workshop - Canadian Intimacy for Stage & Screen
  • News From Around the WODL Region
  • Playwrights Canada Press - New Titles
  • Off the Wall is "On the Road"
  • Off the Wall is giving Away a Gothic Arch
  • Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
  • If you are producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
  • ONstage Theatre Listings
  • Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
  • Dates for your Diary
Quick Links:
WODL Festival 2020 - 16 to 20 March 2020 - Cambridge
By Terri Graham & Gord Wehner, Co-chairs Festival2020, terri@wodl.on.ca , gord@wodl.on.ca
We have come up with a design for our theme of Community!!

The circle represents the world, or our community of theatre people. The hands are the members of our community coming together for a common goal, holding WODL masks in the centre. You'll see this symbol a lot coming up!!

The WODL festival website is linked to the Cambridge Community Players website, www.cambridgecommunityplayers.com/wodl-festival, where you can find out everything you need to know about Festival 2020, to order tickets, and to book the hotel.

At the time of publication, online ticket ordering is not available; however, it will be available within a few days.

Ticket pricing is $110 for all 5 shows or you can purchase individually at $25 each. Gala tickets can also be purchased on the site for $55 each. Cut off for the 5 show special rate is March 1, 2020 and gala ticket cut off is March 10, 2020 to allow the hotel to make the proper food arrangements. For anyone with special needs food wise for the gala, please email Nikole Beda at bikolar.106@gmail.com so that she can keep a master list of all persons needing special food requirements. 

You can also start to reserve your hotel arrangements as of December 1st! See the information below for hotel reservation information. Queen bed rate is $109/night and executive King suite is $124/night. This includes complimentary breakfast for up to two (2) people. Cut off for booking is March 1, 2020. 

The education seminars are also almost ready! Of particular note is the Wednesday afternoon session that includes a tour and show at the Hamilton Family Theatre in Cambridge, part of the Drayton Entertainment venues. A separate letter will be sent out to all WODL members as this is an exclusive event for us. Tickets for this event will go on sale as of December 2, 2019 and the special pricing will go until February 28th, 2020.

We hope to see you all at the festival!!
For a printable version of this hotel information with clickable linkls, click here .
The Future of Theatre Ontario
By, Shirley Bieman, Past-President of WODL, shirley@wodl.on,ca
The planning for Theatre Ontario Festival 2020 in Sault Ste Marie is well under way with Brandon Moore volunteering his time to help organize it. There is nothing new to report as to whether the organization is to continue past February 29, 2020.  

The Theatre Ontario Festival 2020 will be held in Sault Ste Marie in May 2020.
Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre - Workshop - Canadian Intimacy for Stage & Screen
News from Around the WODL Region
By Janice Lundy, member WODL Communications Committee,   janice@wodl.on.ca 
Continuing to:
Dec 7 Theatre Woodstock Closed for the Holidays
Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre The December Man (l'homme de décembre)
Dec 8 ITOPA The Secret Garden
London Community Players  Damn Yankees
Simcoe Little Theatre The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Dec 6-7 Theatre Kent The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Dec 13-15 Hanover Community Players Sleeping Beauty
Dec 13-22 Elora Community Theatre Yes Virginia, There Is A ​Santa Claus

If you have any special events planned at your theatre in the upcoming months, please let me know!
Playwrights Canada Press - New Titles
By Jessica Lewis, Sales & Marketing Manager, Playwrights Canada Press, jessica@playwrightscanada.com
Happy Holidays! From December 1 st to 20 th , everything on playwrightscanada.com will be 20% off!

Available in December:

trace   by Jeff Ho
1m / 75 minutes
An elegant and sweeping story of a Chinese family’s history, trace follows the footsteps of four generations as their homes and identities are challenged.

Pugwash   by Vern Thiessen
6 actors / 105 minutes
When world-renowned scientists and academics were invited to the small town of Pugwash, Nova Scotia to discuss nuclear weapons post World War II, they couldn’t have predicted the bond they’d make with the town and the legacy they’d leave. 
The Directors Lab  edited by Evan Tsitsias
From the co-founder of Directors Lab North comes an essential manual for directing for the stage. Combined with master classes and interviews with established, emerging, and mid-career directors, the book gives an exploration into the mechanics of theatre through the perspective of a director.

Playwrights Canada Press has also announced its Spring 2020 season, which will include Bar Mitzvah Boy by Mark Leiren-Young, Brontë: The World Without by Jordi Mand, Speed Dating for Sperm Donors by Natalie Meisner, Quick Bright Things by Christopher Cook, and more! Check out the catalogue here . All are available for pre-order.

Do you follow the Press’s blog ? Make sure to take a look for new excerpts, interviews with playwrights, recommended reading lists, and exciting news!

Please note that the Playwrights Canada Press office will be closed for the holidays from December 23 rd to January 6 th

For more information on these, and other titles, visit Playwrights Canada Press at www.playwrightscanada.com/
Off the Wall is "On the Road"
By Michele Boniface, Chair, Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance
Off the Wall Stratford Artists are heading to community theatres with “on the road” workshops supported with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation,

  • Do your actors need guidance when applying stage makeup or styling wigs to portray their characters?
  • Could your backstage volunteers use advice on painting brick, marble or wood facades?
  • Would a technician’s assistance with lighting from the floor be useful to your technical crew?
  • Might a designer help you choose a colour palette for costumes and sets for your upcoming production?
Off the Wall contracts a team of backstage artists – most from the Stratford Festival – who will visit your site for a day to teach theatre production skills.

For theatres within Perth, Huron, Grey and Bruce Counties, between now and October 2020, workshops will be supported by an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed grant. For groups outside these counties, fees for artists’ teaching, travel time, and materials will be the responsibility of the theatre hosts.
If your group is coming to a Stratford Festival show next season, Off the Wall will be happy to host a pre- show demo or workshop in mask making, prop building or special effects makeup.

For a list of workshop topics, or to book an event, please email admin@stratfordoffthewall.com
If your group is coming to a Stratford Festival show next season, Off the Wall will be happy to host a pre- show demo or workshop in mask making, prop building or special effects makeup.

For a list of workshop topics, or to book an event, please email admin@stratfordoffthewall.com .
Check out our webpage at: www.stratfordoffthewall.com
Off the Wall is Giving Away a Gothic Arch
By Ted Boniface, Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance
Gothic Arch Set Available

Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance is offering a Gothic Arch Set free of charge to a community theatre that can move it and give it a new home. It is currently stored in Stratford.
  • gothic arch set, finished as a ruin, is 13 feet high by 26 feet wide;
  •  side pieces may be adjusted in angle to fit different sized spaces (or may be removed entirely);
  • for moving or shipping, the set is built in four sections, with separate columns, as well;
  • set was built and painted by Off the Wall Theatrical Carpentry students in July 2019;
  • set was used as the backdrop for Classical Ghost Story readings by Alternative Theatre Works;
  • tree shown in foreground of the next photo is available as part of the set.
Set in use by Alternative Theatre Works for Classical Ghost Story readings.
For a further information, please email admin@stratfordoffthewall.com .
Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
The  Canadian Play Outlet  has launched its new site with over 2000 Canadian Plays right at your fingertips. Looking for something specific? Check out the curated  Collections .

Every month you can take a look at the newest unpublished and published plays available!
If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
The Playwrights Guild of Canada publicises productions of Canadian-written plays through its website,  www.playwrightsguild.ca .

If you want to perform a Canadian play but cannot figure out where to obtain the amateur performance rights,  view this presentation from PGC .
ONstage Theatre Listings
Theatre Ontario publishes an online list of current and upcoming productions by its member groups. To see what is on  click here .
Is your WODL Menbership Information Up-to-date?
Are you on the board of a theatre group that belongs to WODL? If your group has:

  • A new President
  • New WODL delegates
  • A new Treasurer

Please let our membership chair, Gina Paradis, know at  membership@wodl.on.ca
Dates for your Diary:
23 February 2020
WODL General Meeting, Cambridge
16 March to 21 March 2020
WODL Festival 2020, Cambridge
13 May to 17 May 2020
Theatre Ontario Festival 2020, Sault Ste Marie