Table of Contents

  1. Calendar of Events
  2. Women's Fireside Network
  3. "Mirror Mirror" with Dani Doe
  4. "Ask Mel" with Melissa
  5. Mental Health Monday with Kristy
  6. Check In with Dr. K
  7. Women of the Month Nominees: Choose Now!
  8. Career Corner/Jobs This Week/WOC Works
  9. Cookin' on a Budget
  10. Net's Diaries
  11. Wisdom in the Wild
  12. Ready? Set? Dream!
  13. Feature Article written by Candy Cima
  14. Community Fliers

Calendar of events...

Check out our new in person and online events! From networking, support groups, to crafts... we have it all! Click the here to unleash your potential and see the upcoming events!

(click on the date to see what is happening that day)

June 10th, 12pm-1pm -Smart Girl Money

June 12th, 10am-12pm -Love & Legality

June 17th, 10am-1pm -ACR Health, Confidential Health Screening

June 25th, 6pm-8pm - Women's Fireside Network

Tuesday June 25th

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Women's Fireside Network

Join us for an evening of casual networking around a warm fire, fostering meaningful connections that can enrich both your personal and professional life. 

Whether you're seeking career guidance, personal connections, or simply a supportive community of women, the Women's Fireside Network is the perfect place to gather, connect, and empower yourself.

Register Here

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Mirror Mirror: Quote of the Week

This week, I am switching gears to ask if there's anyone who has read Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements.

The food for thought/quote for the week is The Four Agreements:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
  2. Don't Take Anything Personally
  3. Don't Make Assumptions
  4. Always do your best

Email Dani

Questions and Advice

Love the Job, Loathe the Paycheck

Dear Mel,

I'm writing to you with a classic conundrum: I love my job! I get to solve problems that help people live better lives, and my colleagues are fantastic. But here's the rub – the pay is abysmal. I barely make ends meet, and every day feels like a financial tightrope walk.

I don't want to leave my job, but I also can't keep struggling like this. Is there a way to have it all? Or am I stuck choosing between passion and practicality?


Perpetually Penniless

Read Mel's Respoonse

Have a question for Mel?


Submit your questions for "Ask Mel" and we may use your question in an upcoming issue. Remember- if you are wondering, others probably are, too!

Mental Health Monday

with Dr. Kristy Parkin

Celebrating Choices: Embracing Personal Decisions for Mental Well-being

Thanks to the pervasiveness of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of judging ourselves and others for the choices we make. Whether it's career paths, lifestyle changes, or everyday decisions, the pressure to conform to societal expectations can be overwhelming. Women especially fall prey to the “Insta-Perfect” pressure to stand out, conform, and be...well, perfect. This causes us to feel inadequate and is a sure-fire way to slip into the hole of judgment and shame. A crucial aspect of mental well-being is learning to celebrate and support the choice rather than judge them. Embracing personal decisions fosters self-acceptance, reduces stress, and enhances our overall quality of life. 

Full Article

Check In with Dr. K

Availability for June 17-28 

Monday, June 17: 11am-1pm 

Tuesday, June 18: 10am, 11:30am, 2pm 

Wednesday, June 19: 11:30am, 1pm, 2pm 

Thursday, June 20: 10am, 11:30am, 1pm 

June 21-June 28: I am on vacation 

Please email to book your coaching session! 

Email Me

The Women of the Month Nominees

Thank you for the submissions! Now we leave it up to you.... help us choose one woman to be featured in our next newsletter.

(Click here to vote)

Casey Newton-Mclaren

" Casey is founder and director of Friends Forever Animal Rescue. She works around the clock to save any animal in need of food, shelter, love, or medical help. She has saved countless lives...not just for the animals, but for the people who benefit from the pet companionship. Casey is constantly looking for ways to expand the rescue to save as many animals as possible. "

Me'Shae Rolling

" Me'Shae's love and compassion for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs has been evident in the outstanding service she has provided to the Small Business and Entrepreneurial communities. As Executive Director of the Upstate Minority Economic Alliance, she has created opportunities for UMEA members to be in rooms with decision makers (Micron, I-81, Gov Hochul, etc.). She provided networking events to bring awareness to Syracuse's MWBEs availability for the upcoming construction projects. Me'Shae is a serial entrepreneur, who has held down a full time job while simultaneously keeping her own businesses in operation. She is a force to be reckoned with. "

Jilleen Gorman

"She is at the forefront of mental health. The combination of IFS therapy (which I had never heard of) and the depth of her empathy, compassion and her tireless efforts to keep improving her knowledge has made her a stand out. Her work is done in private so she does not get the accolades that some other women in more public facing wellness environments get. I have tried many modalities of therapy and have never seen anyone like her. I have brought her new clients and hope that she can get some recognition."

Jamie Maynes

" My sister, Jamie Maynes is a hardworking Nurse at Crouse Hospital who has saved multiple people's lives by doing the right thing and springing into action when people need help. She has been juggling completely renovating her home while working 12-hour days and working towards her bachelor's degree online. A real woman doing real woman stuff!! She shows dedication and hard work daily and is one of the most caring people I know! "

WOC Works: Job Listings

Need help finding jobs in your area? No worries, we got you! Head over to our website to find job listings by County. If you need extra help making a resume or practicing your interview skills, join our program "Ready, Set, Go!"

Job Postings

Ready, Set, Go!

Bougie on a Budget:

Summer Eats that Won't Break the Bank (or Your Sanity!)

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Summertime – sunshine, vacations, and... the never-ending challenge of feeding your family healthy, affordable meals! Let's face it, those "Pinterest Perfect" summer spreads can leave your wallet feeling a little empty. But fear not, Bougie Babes! We're here to show you how to create delicious, budget-friendly meals that are quick, easy, and perfect for busy summer schedules.

Net's Diaries

The Single Life Shuffle: When Friends Believe They Witnessed a Lifetime Movie

Alright ladies, buckle up for a post that's about as fun as stepping on a rogue Lego in bare feet. This week, we're talking about the joys (emphasis on sarcastic air quotes) of maintaining friendships after divorce, especially when those friendships were basically built on group Netflix binges with your ex.

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Finding Wisdom in the Wild: Embrace the Universe’s Lessons

Let’s face it: we all want a spiritual guru to guide us. We might feel lost without one, yearning for someone with sage wisdom to light our path. But here’s the kicker—the universe is constantly challenging you to learn something new. So stop fighting it and learn the damn lesson.

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Make your dreams a reality with our FREE Program

Stuck on a dream business idea? Ready, Set, Dream (RSD) is your launchpad! Join our supportive community, get expert guidance, and turn your idea into reality. It's going to be fun & fierce! Don't wait, sign up today!

#RSD #BossMoves

Sign Up!

Fashion guru and social media powerhouse Candy Cima isn't just about style – she's a champion for women finding their voice! A proud supporter of The Women's Opportunity Center, Candy is here to remind us all to embrace who we are, naysayers be gone!

Get Out of Your Own Way

Written By Candy Cima

Many years ago, I was having lunch with an older woman who had gone through a tough time but was now doing well and achieving new goals. I remember her saying to me “I had to learn to get out of my own way”. That quote haunted me for years as I did not fully understand what she meant and I thought it was an odd thing to say. Many years have come and gone since then and I now fully understand the meaning of what she said to me.

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Community Fliers

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