News of WISTA Hellas

WISTA Hellas
25th Annual General Assembly and Election of Board of Directors & Auditing Committee
Making change happen
WISTA International update
jointly organised by WISTA Cyprus and WISTA Hellas
Mrs. Despina Panayiotou-Theodosiou, President of WISTA International and Mrs. Helen Buni of IMO met online with the members of WISTA Cyprus & WISTA Hellas, on 23rd July, to update us on the strategic plan of WISTA International and its work on global level with stakeholders and international organisations.

Together with Mrs. Buni, they discussed the consultative status that WISTA International has with the IMO and the recent MOU on technical cooperation.

Finally, Despina highlighted that the success of WISTA International relies heavily on the National Wista Associations and particularly on all WISTA members across the globe that through their participation, motivation and actions make change happen.
September Virtual Gathering of Members
The long established September gathering of WISTA Hellas was held this year vitually due to the COVID 19 measures for social distancing.

WISTA hellas BoD briefed all attending members on past and upcoming actions and presented the Strategic Plan 2020-2021.
WISTA Hellas Strategic Plan 2020-2021
4+1 areas of action
Inclusiveness and engagement of members define the 2020-2021 Strategic Plan which rolls out in 4 +1 areas of action. A new initiative among others is the "Members Vision" which highlights the importance of the members views in the shaping of future plans. Read more
WISTA Hellas' BoD met with the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy
On 15/9/2020, The new Board of WISTA Hellas paid a customary visit to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Mr. Ioannis Plakiotakis, on Tuesday 15th September. At the presence also of the Secretary General of the Aegean and Island Policy, Ms Christiana Kalogirou, the President, Ms Elpi Petraki presented in brief the mission and activities of the Association, as well as the goals of the new Board, among them to enhance the engagement of women serving in the Hellenic Coast Guard and to recognize their contribution to recent challenges faced by the country. 
The Minister Mr. Plakiotakis, following a constructive discussion, stated that he would welcome specific proposals by the association along these lines. 
We are all eagerly looking forward to strengthening the cooperation of WISTA Hellas with the Ministry!
WISTA Hellas Industry Panels
The impacts of COVID 19 in ship operations and crew changes were considered at the WISTA Hellas online Industry Panel on 1st October.

Mrs. Vassiliki Vlahantoni of Langlois Enterprises LTD, led the discussion, while the panelists, Mrs. Αngeliki Chomata-Margetis of Margetis Maritime Consulting , Mrs. Angie Hartmann of STARBULK S.A, Mrs. Irene Logotheti, of KARLOG SHIPPING COMPANY LTD. and Mr. Spyros Tarasis of Olympic Vision Maritime gave their insight on the topic.

The event was sponsored by ORION International Brokers and Consultants Ltd.
A comprehensive online discussion on Shipping Finance was held on 2nd November.

Mrs. Katerina Stathopoulou of Investments & Finance Ltd, as moderator and Mrs. Lina Kaza of Grant Thornton, Mrs. Korinna Tapaktsoglou-Xanthopoulou of Pioneer Marine, Mr. Akis Tsirigakis of Nautilus Carriers Inc and Mrs. Marina Tzoutzouraki of Navigation Limited, as panelists, "shook and stirred" shipping finance and current developments.

The event was sponsored by the Marshall Islands Registry.

Our Gatherings
As we all have missed our monthly meetings and our physical social interaction due to the COVID 19 measures, we came up with the alternative of holding small gatherings with limited number of attendees, to meet up, take a break from the online events and catch up with our news. We were fortunate to meet in three instances and we enjoyed meeting you again offline!
Hellenic Maritime Museum,
16th October.
We are grateful to the Hellenic Maritime Museum for hosting our event.
Goulandris Museum of Natural History,
23rd October.
We wish to thank our member Ioanna Topaloglou of Orion International Brokers & Consultants Ltd. for sponsoring the gathering!
Piraeus Sailing Club, 30th October.
We wish to thank our member Mary Kresta of Tototheo Maritime for sponsoring this event!

Many thanks to the members for their attendance to the small Friday gatherings!
Due to the new COVID 19 measures, we are unable to hold further gatherings. Until circumstances allow us to physically meet again... Stay safe!

WISTA Hellas’ 1st Membership Survey was launched on 12/10/2020! The aim is to identify the areas that WISTA Hellas is doing well and the areas where improvement is required.
We would like to thank the Team of World Maritime Academy (www. under the lead of our member Dr. Katerina Konsta for their valuable contribution to design and carry out this survey. 
WISTA Hellas is happy to announce the launching of "Who is Who", as part of networking and engagement actions.

All Members are invited to participate to this action, and present themselves and their jobs.

Share your thoughts, views and experiences, while outlining your professional skills and insights.
Let the others know who you are and how you can professionally connect with them!
"Who is Who" is an opportunity for all Members to communicate who they are and what they do, with the aim of getting to know each other in a less formal but more innovative, constructive and, hopefully, productive way. 

"Who is Who" is scheduled to feature weekly on WISTA Hellas' Social Media accounts.

Contact us for access to the link.
Synergy & Collaboration
MBA in Shipping
The new English speaking course “MBA in Shipping” of the University of Aegean was presented on 21st July by Professor Seraphim Kapros.

Elpi Petraki, President of WISTA Hellas was among the panel of speakers.
Msc in Shipping, Trade and Transport
Elpi Petraki, President of WISTA Hellas participated to an online discussion on "Challenges and opportunities in Shipping, Transport and Logistics" organised by the University of Piraeus
on the event of the start of the MSC in Shipping, Transport and Trade academic year.
YES to Shipping Forum
29/10/20, WISTA Hellas President and many WISTA members participated to a online discussion on the future of Greek Shipping, held by YES Forum, between young people, maritime professionals, educators and the academia,
Elpi Petraki, President WISTA Hellas and Elina Souli, Vice President WISTA Hellas participated in the Safety4Sea virtual forum.
Decarbonisation 2050
The hot topic of decarbonisation was considered during the online event held by CMA Shipping. A thought provoking discussion! President of WISTA Hellas was there.
WISTA Hellas Educational Partnerships

WISTA Hellas is continuing its collaboration with ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece for the academic year 2020 – 2021 and proudly offered a partial Scholarship for ALBA Postgraduate Program in Shipping as part of the “Women in Shipping Scholarship Series” initiative which started in 2006.
Published Articles by members of WISTA Hellas
Share your professional opinion and expertise with you fellow Members!
If you are a WISTA member, send your published articles to to be published on our Newsletter.
WISTA International Update
Annual General Meeting (AGM)

WISTA International ExCo and National WISTA Association Presidents held a Round Table Discussion on 5/11/2020. The items on the agenda included the work of the WISTA Committees, our Focus Group together with the IMO in Africa and other issues of importance to the Association.The meeting was attended by Presidents from 55 countries.
Further, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Women's International Shipping & Trading Association, was held online (due to restrictions related to the COVID19 pandemic).
The meeting was chaired by the President of WISTA International, Mrs Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou.

WISTA Hellas in EXCO: Angie Hartmann
WISTA Hellas in WISTA International Committees

Nominations Committee: Ioanna Topaloglou
Diversity Committee: Katerina Konsta
Futures and Technology Committee: Alexandra Souccar
HR Committee: Danae Bezantakou
Trading Committee: Maria Theodoridou
WISTA Hellas Newsletter was powered by
We are grateful to Akereon Business & IT Consulting and Poseidon Marine Supplies for their continuous support
Contact WISTA Hellas for Sponsorship opportunities
WSTA Hellas | Website
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