BULLETIN Issue 2, 2023 

Celebrating 30 years in Greece

1993 - 2023

Literally one step away from the WISTA Hellas Anniversary Gala & Awards Ceremony that will take place on Monday, December 4th 2023.

Special Bulletin Edition Issue will follow, stay tuned!

WISTA Hellas Education and Training

Scholarships 2023 - 2024

WISTA Hellas is delighted to declare its scholarships for postgraduate studies 2023-2024 in collaboration with leading educational universities and institutions

Here are the beneficiaries of our latest scholarships:

Ms. Marianna Xifara - Full scholarship recipient, covering 100% of the Alba MBA with Shipping program

Ms. Aspasia Vassou - Partial scholarship recipient, covering 50% of the Alba MBA with Shipping program

Ms. Christina Sarantou - Partial scholarship recipient, covering 50% provided by Athens University of Economics & Business of the MSc in International Shipping, Finance & Management (part-time)

Congratulations 🙌

In this occasion, WISTA Hellas in collaboration with the BCA College (BCA), provides one scholarship for the MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme.

For more information and application click on the link below 👇

View more information and apply


Alba Graduate Business School extended an invitation to participate the Masterclass “ Psychological Safety at the Workplace ” on June 9th as part of our "Women in Leadership" program. The aim of the Masterclass, tutored by Polina Roussou was to explore how we experience the feeling of security within professional contexts and beyond, which is a critical factor in achieving success.

Thank you very much ALBA for this meaningful experience!

ICS – WISTA Scholarship programme 2023/2024

We are pleased to inform you that our member, Kelly Margariti has been successful in securing one of the ICS – WISTA Scholarship Program placements for 2023/2024 –Congratulations!

WISTA Hellas Actions

“Full Ahead”

Exclusive Maritime Mentoring Program Season 1

Mentoring is STILL rolling out.

Thanks to our mentors for their kind support in this mentoring program.

Follow the button to apply to become a Mentor or a Mentee.

Read more and apply

Members' Gatherings

Educational Workshop for Kids

B&M Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts and Music

A program of the B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation based on the anthropocentric work of Yiannis Gaitis and named "Τα δικά μας ανθρωπάκια" to teach children about the design and colour using artist's little people, the repetition of elements as well as the homogeneity that exists between them. Date 10/06/2023

Members' June Gathering

Catching up prior summer season!

WISTA Hellas Members' gathering for June 2023 took place at the Piraeus Marine Club on Wednesday, 7th of June at 6.00 pm.

Members' September Gathering

On Sunday, 24th September, Mrs. Koronaki kindly hosted our traditional September Members’ Gathering! We were grateful of her hospitality and enjoyed catching up on each other’s summer news while preparing for the busy three months ahead

Race for the Cure

Race for the Cure 1st October Zappeion

WISTA Hellas participated in the action 15 years Greece Race for the Cure®, again this year which was organised by the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer, Alma Zois in the symbolic race for breast cancer awareness on Sunday the 1st of October at Zappeion.

Formal visit with Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy

Mr Christos Stylianides, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic together with the BoD of WISTA Hellas. Tuesday 14th of November 2023.

Members' November Gathering

On 22nd of November, during our monthly Gathering, we had the chance to discuss and share our experiences, in the frame of the "Seafarer Well-being Seminar: Mental Health & Gender" in the premises of the West P&I that kindly hosted us.

We would like to thank WEST P&I and Mrs Elizabet Wood for hosting and organizing the event. Also, thanks to Gina Panayiotou, Sara Jones, Emma Forbes-Geary, Maria Dragoumerli and Andromachi Demetriou for participating in the panel.

Mega Beach Cleanup

We are thrilled to announce that WISTA Hellas joined the Mega Beach Cleanup, a collective effort to make a significant positive impact on our marine environment. 

This beach cleanup closed the International Coastal Cleanup, the largest voluntary event of its kind in the world, with over 17 million volunteers worldwide. 

HELMEPA has served as the National Coordinator of this campaign for 33 consecutive years.

National & International Presence

It was a pleasure to participate to the Airfrance KLM 2nd Marine Day and discuss about the needs and true process for crew changes.

Αn inspiring event connecting the shipping and aviation industries with the aim to better comprehend challenges and requirements for a mutually beneficial working relationship.

🙏 Airfrance industries KLM for the invitation

🙏Ναυτικά Χρονικά - Naftika Chronika

On the occasion of the IMO International Day for Women in Maritime, President WISTA International and WISTA Hellas spoke at the IMO and discussed the power of collaboration for a sustainable maritime future. This year’s #WomenInMaritimeDay theme is ‘mobilizing networks for gender equality’ and today’s event was an excellent reminder of just how powerful collaboration can be if we all leverage our networks and work together to improve gender equality and ensure equitable opportunities for all in maritime.

Naftemporiki Conference

14th of June.

Wista Hellas attended the 7th Maritime Conference of Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ | NAFTEMPORIKI. Our President Elpi Petraki, participated in a panel talking about the constant changes and need for inclusivity in the human resources field in the maritime industry.

ESG Shipping Awards

The debut of the first ESG Shipping Awards globally, took place at the Athens Concert Hall on Tuesday, 30 May 2023. The impressive Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony brought together the Greek and global shipping community.

Elina Souli, WISTA Hellas’ General Secretary, participated in the the 3rd Crew Welfare Week, Women at Sea Panel, organized by SAFETY4SEA on the 22nd of June.


Σύνδεσμος Ανωνύμων Εταιρειών και Επιχειρηματικότητας, Ημερίδα Γυναικείας Επιχειρηματικότητας:

Δευτέρα, 3.7.2023

Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων Κέντρου Επιχειρηματικότητας«Κωνσταντίνος Μίχαλος», Αμερικής 8

President, Elpi Petraki, participated in the 8TH GLOBAL SHIPBROKERS FORUM “Constant Challenges, Adaptive Industry” in a very interesting dicussion about how the leading maritime organizations are handling the challenges and ever-changing regulations on the global stage.

TradeWinds invited Elpi Petraki to be part of a panel discussion during 26th September Shipowners Forum in Athens where we considered whether or not diversity could provide the answer to the shipping industry’s talent shortage.

Elina Kassotaki, Vice President of WISTA Hellas participated at the 2nd Isalos.net & HELMEPA - Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association Summer Camp in Oinousses on behalf of WISTA Hellas.

The summer camp brings together students and maritime professionals for a thorough discussion on

#sustainability issues.

Διήμερο επιστημονικών εκδηλώσεων για τη ναυτιλία διοργάνωσε το Τμήμα Ναυτιλίας και Επιχειρηματικών Υπηρεσιών του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου στις 28 και 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023 στη Χίο.

Elpi Petraki panelist at the 13th Annual Capital Link, Operational Excellence in Shipping Forum "Best Practices - Building Long Term Value Through Sustainability".

Elpi Petraki panelist at the 16th International Symposium on Maritime health: «Maritime Medicine-From the Antiquity to Present Day”, which was held in Athens, Greece, 5-8th October 2023

Στο πλαίσιο του 22ου NAVIGATOR 2023 – THE SHIPPING DECISION MAKERS FORUM, με τίτλο «MASTER THE CHANGE», την Τρίτη 3 Οκτωβρίου 2023, στη Ναυτιλιακή Λέσχη Πειραιά

ESG Shipping Awards October 2023


#esg #esgshipping


Wista Members from all over the World had the chance to meet in Hamburg during Eisbein, November 2023.

WISTA Germany

WISTA Cyprus


WISTA Turkey

WISTA Finland

WISTA Hellas

WISTA International News


WISTA INTERNATIONAL is delighted to announce that the conference was a wonderful success. As featured in an article by Mundo Maritimo which reported, "The Annual General Meeting and International Conference of WISTA 2023 marks a milestone after taking place for the first time in Latin America."


To read the full article CLICK HERE!

Proud for our Members

Congratulations to:


Απονομή Βραβείου ΕΠΙΔΟΣΗΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΣΤΙΒΟ από τα Βραβεία Επιχειρηματικότητας Κούρος στην 26η Απονομή, Πέμπτη, 23/11/23.

Congratulations to:


Απονομή Βραβείου στα πλαίσια της εκδήλωσης ΠΡΩΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ τον Ιούλιο, 2023.

Congratulations to: Anna Shipilli.

T&T SALVAGE LLC organized an extraordinary week in Athens Greece co-hosting a USA delegation lead by RADM Richard Timme and New Orleans CoPT Kelly K. Denning during the 8th Maritime Endeavors Shipping Co. (MESC) seminar which took place on the 25th of April 2023 at Evgenidio Foundation.


Congratulations to:

Marina Tzoutzouraki who was speaking Program of the City University 10th Biennial at the IMO. In the first one about environment governance and regulations and the second one about ship finance as an alternative financier.

Our member Dr. Iliana Christodoulou Varotsi has been given the chance to share her thoughts about the book "Κοινωνία Τζαζ" next to esteemed copanelists who have served or have been serving shipping and trade in various roles in Greece and in Cyprus.

Share your achievements and accomplishments on the Bulletin with fellow Members and the industry! Send us an email to wistahellas@wista.gr

Members Articles

Elisabeth Cosmatos, Managing Director of The Cosmatos Group, spoke to Forbes magazine

Project cargo knows no gender, says Elisabeth Cosmatos

Share your professional opinion and expertise with your fellow Members and the industry!

If you are a WISTA member, send your published journal articles to wistahellas@wista.gr to be published on our Bulletin.

WISTA Hellas Upcoming Events

Don’t miss out on our upcoming events!

Stay tuned for the upcoming WISTA Hellas events for which you will be notified by email in due course or check our website www.wistahellas.gr

Social Responsibility

WISTA Hellas's initiative for raising funds to support “ARGO” is still on.

Please support this initiative and ARGO, by making a direct contribution to the bank account stated below.

National Bank of Greece

IBAN: GR8701101770000017760627335


Reference: "WISTA Hellas member" (and state also your name)


WSTA Hellas | Website
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