Exciting March and April Activities

Women's International Day will be celebrated on March 8th and you can get involved through WIL. Learn through WIL program meetings, participate by joining fellow WIL members on a trip to the UN or encourage a friend to come to a WIL program and join.
WIL March Program

The March 28th WIL program is hosted by the Micro-finance Committee and will take place at One Comcast Center. Guest speakers will discuss Recent Innovations in Global Finance. Watch for a detailed announcement in the next few weeks.
Empowerment Grant Committee 
Exceeds Grant Application Goal

We exceeded our goal of tripling the number of viable applications in 2018. Some very inspiring proposals came from across the world. Some were unsolicited from organizations that found us via our website or previous grantees. Proposals came from various countries in S.E. Asia, Africa and the Americas. We will announce these awards in late March. Additionally, the first, one-time larger grant announcement went out last week. Those proposals are due on March 15th. Stay tuned for the results.
Travel to New York with WIL Members for the 
UN Women's Conference

Wil's travel committee is organizing a trip to New York on March 14 through 15th. Please contact Sandee Mandel for more information at smadmin@wil-gp.org.
Membership Announces New Totals

The Membership Committee announces we are 82 members strong working towards the goal of 100.  Remember WIL's new membership plan is now on a rolling year basis. Members get full year benefits no matter what time of year they join. 

Women International Leaders | wilofgp@gmail.comwww.wil-gp.org
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