WILPower News
A Biweekly Update on WIL and its Partners
September 12, 2022
We're back after our summer break!
Our terrific line up of programs begins in September!
Maternal Activism and the Search for Missing Central American Migrants
Our first program of the year focusses on mothers from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua as they travel across Mexico to call attention to and demand action for their disappeared children. Our speaker is Raul Diego Rivera Hernandez, Director of the Latin American Studies program at Villanova University
Thursday, September 29 5:00-7:00pm
Philadelphia Ethical Society
1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia 
Coming October 12 - Book Club Program My Broken Language
New WIL Board of Directors
As of September 1st, WIL has a new slate of officers and
committee chairs for our 2022-2023 year:
Immediate Past President
Educational Programs Committee Chair
Empowerment Grants Committee Chair
Fund Development Committee Spearhead
Marketing Committee Chair
Membership Committee Co-Chairs
Microfinance Committee Chair
Service Committee Chair
Travel (Book/Film Club) Committee Chair
Renee Brandon
Anna Maria DiDio
Mary Osbakken
Terri Gelberg
Debbie Fleischman
Beth Cohen
Renee Brandon
Karen Roggeman
Adrienne Mendell / Carole Cohn
Judy Kornfeld
Meryle Melnicoff
Mary Kahn
Your new WIL officers and committee chairs are excited to carry out WIL's mission of supporting women globally but we need your help! Join us! Get active! We have committees for all interests and so much work that needs to be done!
Service Committee Ships to Malawi
Last spring, the Service Committee collected hundreds of items (20 full boxes!) for Young and Empowered Malawi, a nonprofit organization founded by two young leaders passionate about improving the lives of girls and youth in Malawi. WIL members mentored the co-founders through Urban Promise International.

The container of items left the US by boat in April and arrived in Malawi mid-August. All the materials shipped will be used in special after-school tutoring classes, helping young girls become more proficient in English.

Great job, Service Committee! You did it!
An Invitation from Namaste
WIL members on our Microfinance and Empowerment Grants Committees have worked with Guatemalan based NamasteDirect over the years and have developed a relationship with our contact, Desiree Lyons. In August, Desiree and her family relocated from San Francisco to Guatemala for one year. Before leaving, she extended an invitation to WIL members to "drop in" for a visit if they visit Guatemala during her time there.

Although, WIL is planning to stay within US borders for the immediate future with a spring trip planned to Puerto Rico, we send Desiree and her family best wishes as they adapt to their new environment.
WIL Members - Do you have a news item to share? Email your submissions to Renee Brandon. Please submit at least a week before you want articles to appear.
Where there's WIL there's a way