WILPower News
A Biweekly Update on WIL and its Partners

November 7, 2022
Come with WIL to Puerto Rico!
The WIL Travel Committee and our travel guide, Alandis Travel,
have prepared an exciting, educational and culturally
immersive trip to Puerto Rico for 8 nights.
February 27th thru March 7th, 2023
2023 Empowerment Seed Grant Cycle
Participant from The Solidarity Project
2021 Empowerment Grant Recipient for Rural Women's Leadership Initiative Project
The 2022-2023 Empowerment Seed Grant Cycle has started! Empowerment grant applications are now available for download from the WIL website. This grant funding is earmarked for projects in developing regions that target areas of WIL’s mission outside the scope of microfinancing: education, health, training, social and political empowerment programs for women.

To be eligible for a grant, projects must follow these criteria:
1. The project's objective must be to reduce poverty and the marginalization of women, girls and their families by providing education, health, training or social/political empowerment solutions that are secure and sustainable.
2. The applying organization must have been in existence for at least three years.
3. Grant applicants must attach a current certificate or license confirming the organization’s status as a Non-Governmental Organization or Non-Profit Organization.
4. Preference is given to organizations with operating budgets of $300,000 or less.
5. Prior grant awardees who submitted final reports may apply until they receive a total of three grants; this total does not include a Special Grant that may have been previously awarded to the organization.

If you know of any organizations where this funding would be of help,
please invite them to apply.

The deadline to submit an application is December 15, 2022.
Remember WIL November 29 - #GivingTuesday
NamasteDirect Loan Recipient
2022 Microfinance Grant Award
NamasteDirect is a nonprofit operating in Guatemala which supports women small business owners. In the last two years, they have benefitted from funding awards from both WIL's Microfinance and Empowerment Grants Committees. In 2021, they were awarded a $1500 empowerment grant to advance three businesswomen participating in their Creating Prosperity Program to a higher learning level. Creating Prosperity provides business education and advice, helping participants deepen their business knowledge and increase their profits. As a result of attending this program, the three women supported by WIL's grant on average increased their family income by 149%. This past spring, WIL's Microfinance Committee awarded Namaste a microfinance grant of $5000 which, in addition to providing financial education, offered small loans to 11 women in their program to help them grow their businesses. From their six month interim update to WIL, Namaste reported the women have implemented 95% of the advice received from their program and have increased their profits by 141% on average.

Women and girls all over the world in challenging situations have benefitted from funding support provided by WIL. WIL is able to provide this financial assistance because of the kind contributions it receives from the caring "WIL family." As Giving Tuesday approaches on November 29th, please consider WIL among your choices of organizations to give your donations. All of our philanthropic committees, Microfinance, Empowerment Grants and Service, work tirelessly to find and support projects dedicated to empowering women and girls. Your generosity makes a difference and we appreciate your kindness as we reach out to lift others up.

Please support WIL with your finances on #Giving Tuesday.
Thank you!
WIL Members - Do you have a news item to share? Email your submissions to Renee Brandon. Please submit at least a week before you want articles to appear.
Where there's WIL there's a way