WILPower News
A Biweekly Update on WIL and its Partners
October 24, 2022
WIL Educational Program
The Women of Puerto Rico: An Historical Look at Women's Rights and Empowerment
Tuesday, October 25th
5:00 - 7:00pm

Taller Puertorriqueño
2600 N. 5th St, Philadelphia
Attendance is strongly recommended if you are interested in traveling with WIL to Puerto Rico in the spring. Our travel agent will be attending the program virtually.

As we prepare for our WIL trip to Puerto Rico this spring, our next program takes an in-depth look at the women of Puerto Rico with Nasheli Ortiz Gonzales, Executive Director of Taller Puertorriqueño. Ms. Gonzales will address women's entrepreneurship and education in Puerto Rico, and how the economic and political climate has affected education for children.
The program, hosted at Taller Puertorriqueño's new cultural center will include a tour of the facility including a chance to see their children's programming in action as well as a presentation highlighting upcoming elements of the WIL trip from the tour coordinator.

Please note, parking is available at the Taller lot.
Prepayment is required for parking and may be completed with your registration.
#GivingTuesday - Become a Part of the Movement
Women Arises Association - 2021 Empowerment Grant Recipient for Bio Briquette Project
Giving Tuesday - It's the day of generosity started back in 2012 and encourages people, worldwide, to help others by giving of their finances or time. Giving Tuesday falls each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It's the time of year when millions of people express their gratitude for the blessings they've received and many of them also want to share their good fortune by donating to their favorite charitable organizations. Please help us spread the word that WIL is a great option for donating to a very worthy cause.

During our 2021-2022 program year, WIL supported in excess of $50,000 in village banks and empowerment grants targeting vulnerable and marginalized women. With WIL's investment, several women in Honduras were able to take out small loans to grow or expand their businesses. A WIL grant enabled a group of women in Uganda to receive seeds and grow vegetables to sell in their markets and support their families. The money donated to WIL helps women globally put food on their tables and meet some of their basic needs.
This year WIL is striving to increase our philanthropy work with your help. Please consider participating in Giving Tuesday and/or AmazonSmile (see below). Please, for the women we support, become a part of the movement. Remember, "where there's WIL, there's a way."
WIL and Amazon Smile
Did you know "Women International Leaders of Greater Philadelphia Inc" is one of the charities listed on Amazon Smile?

Regular Amazon shoppers may know of the wonderful opportunity Amazon provides for non-profits to raise money just by having "friends" of organizations shop for goods. Every time you shop, at no cost to you, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.

To shop at AmazonSmile, simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile on your Amazon Shopping app on your mobile device.

Here are the three easy steps for setting up AmazonSmile on your web browser:
1. Sign in to smile.amazon.com and sign in with your regular amazon password. 
2. Select Women International Leaders of Greater Philadelphia Inc as your charitable organization. (Just typing WIL will not work.)
3. Shop through AmazonSmile. Go to smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com whenever you shop. Or, bookmark this link to make it easy to shop with WIL in mind anytime -- http://smile.amazon.com/ch/30-0405186

Questions? Please click this link to download the complete instructions for setting up AmazonSmile on your web browser or activating AmazonSmile on your Amazon Shopping app on your mobile device.
Service Committee Looking for Volunteers
For WIL Members...

The Service Committee is looking for nine WIL volunteers for an interesting & fun service project! We are recruiting pen pals for nine delightful Peruvian 6th graders (six girls and three boys) who are very eager to learn English, while at the same time making a friend and learning about your life in the US. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Martha Moore of the Service Committee.
WIL Members - Do you have a news item to share? Email your submissions to Renee Brandon. Please submit at least a week before you want articles to appear.
Where there's WIL there's a way