Dear Friends,
As we near the end of an extended COVID-19 crisis we see reason for optimism and evidence of emerging opportunities. We are excited by the prospect of a return to normalcy, where we can focus on our core capability of training and certifying transitioning service members and veterans to rebuild American manufacturing. Our optimism is encouraged by the fact that we have endured a historic pandemic, and remain mentally and financially postured for continued growth and success. Opportunities abound as America seeks to pull itself from virus-induced economic doldrums and stimulate manufacturing-based growth. A recent Industry Week piece on manufacturing sentiment shows that a majority of American manufacturers are feeling optimistic about their companies in this first quarter of 2021. Still, 65.8% of respondents "chose 'attracting and retaining a quality workforce’ as a difficulty." Workshops for Warriors is well-positioned to provide our advanced manufacturing sector the trained and disciplined workforce it needs to turn optimism into reality.
Workshops for Warriors continues to be recognized on a national stage. We were recently featured on the Marcus Lemonis-hosted show, Streets of Dreams, and in segments on Yahoo! Finance and Fox & Friends. In what was one of the best conversations I’ve had in years, I had the privilege of hosting a Virtual Fireside Chat discussing American manufacturing with Jeff Immelt, the former CEO of GE on March 2nd. As our national brand grows, we increase our ability to recruit, train, certify, and place ever greater numbers of veterans into impactful and well-paying advanced manufacturing careers.
Our staff and students have continued to excel, fighting through any conditions to accomplish their mission. Workshops for Warriors’ current class is one month away from graduating. As these young men and women graduate, we are working to meet growing demand with the construction of 18 additional welding booths and the development of intermediate welding and machining programs.
And, as you may have noticed, we recently launched our new and improved website. Without your steadfast support, none of this would be possible.
Growth and comfort rarely coexist. Our staff and students work exceptionally hard to improve themselves and this organization. Their dedication and tenacity in the face of shared adversity over this past year has generated success, a sense of accomplishment, and an impressive degree of satisfaction and camaraderie among our team.
Thank you for your continued support!
Hernán Luis y Prado