Dear Workshops for Warriors Supporters,
On behalf of the entire WFW team I would like to wish all of you a happy and healthy new year. 2022 marks our 14th year of training and certifying veterans for advanced manufacturing careers. For those of you who gave to our 2021 year-end fundraiser, our sincere gratitude.
This past December, our staff proved once again that regardless of the challenges the world may present, the Workshops for Warriors team perseveres in our shared goal to Rebuild American Manufacturing with Veterans!® Our Fall 2021 class of 50 graduates earned over 750 nationally recognized certifications. One month later, the majority are already hard at work in advanced manufacturing careers with some of our nation’s finest companies. New futures were forged as a result of our four-month program that you make possible with your support.
In 2022, again thanks to all of you, we will surpass a major milestone, 1,000 Workshops for Warriors graduates. Changing just one life can have a profound impact on the world we all share. We all deserve the opportunity for a wonderful life and a future of possibilities. Knowing that our efforts have changed the destinies of 1,000 service members who honorably served our nation and transformed them into the builders of our collective future gives me immense pride. Our success serves to supercharge our resolve to grow and have a larger impact on our veterans and our nation.
On April 22nd, I look forward to seeing you at our 4th Annual Gala, once again aboard the USS Midway, to celebrate Workshops for Warriors’ Journey to 1,000 Graduates. (An invitation will be arriving in the near future.) It will be a unique opportunity to revel in our shared accomplishments and be a part of accelerating Workshops for Warriors’ future expansion.
We embark on this banner year with purpose, resolve, and an urgency to get to 10,000 and beyond together. 1,000 Workshops for Warriors graduates affirms the dream my wife Rachel and I had back in 2008. I look forward to celebrating our success with you in April.
Very respectfully,
Hernán Luis y Prado