The monthly newsletter of WFPC

August 27, 2024

Congregational Life

Meet Merritt!

Hi all! 

I am Merritt Liebman, the new Director of Youth Ministries here at WFPC!

I grew up in Raleigh, NC and attended Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church most of my life. I went to NC State University (go Pack!) where my husband Paul and I started dating and where we met our sweet, stray, dog we didn’t know we needed but is in fact now our child, Woody! 

I have had a love for youth ministries since I was a youth myself. From Montreat to Massanetta, to mission trips, I have so many good memories of participating and being an advisor alongside the youth of Hudson these past few years! 

My favorite thing about youth ministry is the relationship aspect — being in middle and high school is a time where you really need other people to support you. Well, don’t we all? But it’s when you figure that out! 

I also of course love energizers — fun fact: I and a team of my fellow advocates at Massanetta back in the day created the Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride energizer (TRADEMARK!) just kidding — but yes we did that thing! 

Anyway, I have really enjoyed meeting those of you who I already have, and cannot wait to be a part of the WFPC community officially in a few short weeks! 


Rally Day Kicks off a New Ministry Year

Rally Day is just around the corner!

If you have not experienced it before, our annual Rally Day kickoff celebration is a morning not to be missed!  

The church family will gather in the Christian Life center at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 8. We enjoy a delicious breakfast together, provided by our ministry leaders, and spend some time in good fellowship and food together.

Alongside breakfast is our annual ministry fair. There will be tables with information about many of the ministries that Wake Forest Presbyterian creates, engages in, or supports. This is a wonderful opportunity to see all the many ways to be involved and engaged in the church ministry, and the community around us! Members of the different ministries will be available to answer questions, get contact information, and generally educate all on the meaningful work done within and outside of our walls.

The breakfast and ministry fair wrap up at 9:50, so we can all move to 10:00 worship in the sanctuary.

Whether you've visited once or been a member for 20 years, all are welcome and encouraged to come. Enjoy this morning of good breakfast, good fellowship, and good introduction to all of the meaningful ministries at Wake Forest Presbyterian! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact. Katherine Peiper, director of congregational life (

Tailgate Fun & Fellowship

September 26 at 6:00 p.m.

Join the fun and fellowship, and if you're a sports fan, show your team colors. Please bring your favorite "tailgate" or social snacks/finger food to share. In addition, bring a small serving table -- card table size (extras will be available), lawn chairs, and any and all pop up tents you have. Onsite grilling will need to be done in the open field by the Preschool Wing and not in the area where we gather.

For those who are unfamiliar, Tailgating is a social gathering where people eat around the back of a parked vehicle, usually before a public event, especially a sports game. We'll be in the lower parking lot and set up will start at 5:00 p.m. If we have rain, we'll be in the CLC — bring your food, tents and lawn chairs inside. No registration is required.

Youth Kickoff and Potluck Dinner

Our youth kick off event will be on Sunday, September 8, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This is an event for the whole family! All youth in 6th -12th grades and their families are invited to come learn about ALL THINGS YOUTH!! 

See where you land on the list below and bring a dish to share!

Middle School (6th, 7th, 8th) -- bring a dessert

High School (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) -- bring a main dish or side

Advisors -- bring drinks

Supper Club

Do you like to eat good food? Be in good company? Make new friends among your church family? Then you should sign up to join a Supper Club group!

What is it? An opportunity at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church to get to know your church family better. ALL ages and stages are invited to participate in each session, and groups of 6-8 people are created based on preferences indicated on the Supper Club form! 

What isn’t it? This is not a bible study or anything that needs “prep work”...this is simply an opportunity to intentionally spend time together in small groups of similar interests to get to know one another more fully!

How does it work? Groups plan their own meals (in homes, at restaurants, etc.) and get together at least three times over a period of four months, enjoying meals at participants’ homes or at local restaurants…The venue, the menu, and the timeframe will be up to the group to decide! 

Who runs each group? A group “host” will be selected (from those who offer to be hosts). The host will communicate with the group on when/how/what to do to gather for a meal. 

How do I sign up? Fill out the online form OR complete the paper form in the lobby! The deadline for this session is Sunday, September 15!

For more information or any questions, please contact Lucy Deeprose at (919-801-8915) or Barbara Winch at ((919-870-5918) 

Fall Elective Sunday School

Sunday mornings, 9 a.m. in the CLC

These classes are brief, 3-4 week classes for those who can't/don't want to commit to a more formal year long class, but are still looking for faith development! 

Class 1: September 15-29: Biblical Storytelling led by Jacky Wilson. WFPC 's children are immersed in learning the stories of the Bible throughout elementary school, and telling the stories of the Bible in ways that stick is one of Jacky Wilson's superpowers! Come explore and experience scripture through storytelling! This is an intergenerational class for all ages! 

Class 2: December 1-22: Advent Study led by Ginny Poulsen and Sandy Christos. Come explore the weekly themes of Advent in depth with a teaching team well versed in the subject! This is an adult elective offering... children and youth activities will be offered in conjunction with this class time in a different space. 

Children's Ministry This Fall

Alleluia Choir

Children's Choir returns weekly beginning September 11. All children are invited to come learn songs that will be sung in worship, led by our Alleluia Choir! Singing schedule TBD.

Open Gym Wednesdays

for kids K-5th grade

6:00-6:40 pm -- organized play and fellowship in the CLC

6:40-7:00 -- pizza and devotion time!!

7:00-7:30 -- fire pit with smores for families on designated dates!

Club 4/5

Get ready all current 4th and 5th graders! We will do LOTS of different activities, field trips, etc. This will be YOUR special space that gets you ready to jump into youth group in middle school, and lets you be the big kid you are!

Prep for Worship

Do you have a child currently in 3rd or 4th grade? Or perhaps your child missed out on our Prep for Worship Class in the past? We will have a ONE DAY Prep for Worship class to learn what/why/and how we worship the way we do in the PC(USA) church! Prep for Worship Bible presentations will take place in worship on November 3. Registration coming soon! 

Advent Adventures

A three-night Advent-focused VBS-style event to run November 17-19 (5:30-7 p.m.), ending with dinner and our annual Advent Festival on the 20th! Open to children 4 years- 5th grade! Registration in mid-October. 

Adult Discipleship at WFPC this Fall

Adults — are you searching for a small group with whom you can continue to grow in discipleship and build friendships? We have a variety of Sunday School classes and groups that meet during the week. To find your place, see a list of all your options at Most groups take the summer off and will get back together in September. Contact the group leader listed for details!

Congregational Life -- September

9/8 -- Rally Day Breakfast at 9:00 a.m.

9/8 -- Youth Kickoff Potluck at 5:00 p.m.

9/15 -- Club 4/5 at 3:00 p.m.

9/20 -- Family Movie Night at 6:00 p.m.

9/26 -- Shared Fellowship Dinner at 6:00 p.m. -- Tailgate!

9/29 -- Club 4/5 at 3:00 p.m.

Recurring Events: (more details on Adult Discipleship, Youth, or Children)

Fridays at 6:165 a.m. -- Son Risers

Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Iron Sharpens Iron (Sat)

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. -- Sunday School

2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. -- Women of the Word

1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. -- Daughters of the King

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. -- Iron Sharpens Iron (Wed)

2nd & 4th Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. -- Morning Glory Circle

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. -- Pickleball and Ping Pong

Sundays at 4:30 p.m. -- Middle School Youth Group

Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -- High School Youth Group

Next Congregational Life Team Meeting -- September 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Worship & Music

Alleluia Choir for our WFPC Kids

Parents of children in kindergarten through 8th grade —please mark September 11 on your calendar. That afternoon at 5 p.m. we will have the official start of Alleluia Choir. This is a great opportunity for your children to learn music that will be shared in the worship service. For more information, please contact Karen Reardon at

Help Us Sweeten our Sunday Mornings!

If you enjoy sharing fellowship after worship, then we need you to help us provide snacks and drinks in the narthex/lobby! We’re looking for some fine volunteers to provide and serve snack and beverage on Sunday morning for September through December. Cookies, muffins, or anything homemade — all are enjoyed by our members while they fellowship with each other after the service. 

Water, lemonade and snacks are all you need to provide; the church provides the paper products. To sign up for a Sunday, click the button below.

Snack Sign Up

Recent Attendance

August 4 -- 179

August 11 -- 159

August 18 -- 160

August 25 -- 168

Planned Scripture for September

September 1 -- Exodus 20:8-11 and Matthew 20:1-16

September 8 -- Genesis 11:1-9 and I Corinthians 2:1-5

September 15 -- Ephesians 4:1-16

September 22 -- Exodus 4:1-5 and Mark 11:27-33

September 29 -- TBD

subject to change!

Worship Events -- September

Recurring Events: (click here for information on our music ministries)

Sundays at 10:00 a.m. -- Worship Service

Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. -- Glory Tones Hand Bells Rehearsal

Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. -- Praise Team Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. -- Alleluia (Children's) Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. -- Grace Notes Hand Bells Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. -- Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Next Worship Team Meeting -- September 1 at 11:00 a.m.

All services are held in the sanctuary. They are livestreamed on our YouTube channel.



As followers of Jesus, we are taught, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” When the followers of Jesus asked, “Who is our neighbor?,” Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our neighbor is the person whose need we see and can meet.

The annual Wake Forest CROP Hunger Walk is a powerful way to confront hunger both at home and around the world. This year, walkers for the annual CROP Hunger Walk will gather at the Wake Forest Birthplace on Sunday, September 22. Step-off is at 3 p.m.

You can participate by opting for a one-mile walk, a three-mile walk, or by going online and sponsoring a walker. Sign up to walk or give using the "join or donate" button below!

Join or Donate

Giving Garden

Regular Garden Workdays: Tuesdays & Saturdays, 8 -11 am.

Please register on SignUpGenius:  

For More Information, contact Pam Schulze at (919)-522-3146 or Website:

Blood Drive -- September 29

Please consider participating in the WFPC Blood Drive on September 29 in the Christian Life Center. There is a consistent high need for blood to be available to address life-saving needs of our neighbors.

WFPC partners with The Blood Connection (TBC) to facilitate multiple blood drives each year, providing blood to local hospitals through TBC. WFPC has, over the past 20 years, contributed more than 3,000 units of blood for accident victims, surgical needs, and other medical traumas! Please help us continue this vital mission within our community.

The button to sign up for a time to donate blood on September 29 drive (between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) is below.  

Another way to contribute is to volunteer the day of the drive, or to bake snacks/purchase drinks for those who donate. To sign up use the "volunteer" button below. 

Thanks, WFPC, for your sustained support for this ministry!

Donate Blood

Outreach Events -- September

9/11 at 10 a.m. -- Dementia Caregivers (2nd Wednesday this month)

9/29 at 2:00 p.m. -- CROP Walk offsite

9/29 at 11:30 a.m. -- Blood Drive at WFPC

Recurring Events: (click here for more details)

Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Giving Garden Watering, Harvesting, etc.

Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Giving Garden Weekly Workday

2nd Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. -- Backpack Buddy Packing

3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. -- Stephen Ministers Caregivers

Next Outreach Team Meeting -- September 12 at 7:00 p.m.


Earth Care Team

All are welcome to participate in the Earth Care Team at WFPC. The purpose of the group is to integrate creation care into the church's Christian witness and ministry. As individuals and as a focus group, we hope to educate ourselves and the congregation, raise awareness, and inspire action to take responsible care of the environment at the church, in the community, and at our homes. We meet following worship on the first Sunday of every month. Contact: Mindy Hidenfelter at or Sherwood Shankland at

Earth Care Notes

by Karen Pettyjohn

Are you ready to recycle? Do you want to turn your plastics into a park bench? Session has approved a project for the Earth Care Team to lead. We will be collecting certain plastics for a Nextrex bench. Nextrex will provide three collection bins which will be located inside The Giving Garden fence. Not all plastics are acceptable.

The short list is it must stretch to be acceptable. Sandwich bags, plastic bubble wrap envelopes, regular bubble wrap, baggies, and produce plastic bags are just a few items we want. 

We will have six months to collect 1,000 pounds of plastic, weigh it, and take it to a local collection site. Rinse any food crumbs from your plastic, turn it inside out to dry, and we'll be happy to accept it. The EarthCare Team will be providing more info, but for now, start collecting your plastic, and we'll let you know when to bring it to church.

Let's all keep our landfills free of plastic which will not disintegrate and work to make our earth more beautiful.

Facilities Events -- September

9/1 at 11:15 a.m. -- Earth Care Team

9/21 at 8 a.m. -- Premise Keepers

Next Facilities Team Meeting -- September 3 at 6:30 p.m.

Finance & Generosity

July Month '24

July YTD '24

LY July YTD '23













**Offering July YTD '24 has been adjusted for "prepaid" pledges.

***YTD '24 expenses are lower than '23 due to personnel expenses not including an Associate Pastor or Finance Administrator (2 2/3 months)

Next Finance Team Meeting: September 9 at 7:00 p.m.

Next Generosity Team Meeting: September 15 at 11:00 a.m.

Prayer List

Jody Alston | Sandie Buda

Evelyn Patton | Dan Root

Please join us in offering love and sympathy to Sara McCorkle on the passing of her husband and WFPC member, Don, on Saturday, August 24.

Looking for More Information?

Events are subject to change. For a full and updated calendar of all events happening at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, please visit the events page on our website using the button below.


Did you miss church on Sunday? Click here to access Sunday's bulletin announcements.


Here's a calendar for this week at WFPC

Weekly Cal

Save the Date for these future events:

  • October 6 -- Brunch Church
  • October 12 -- Sweet Potato Harvest
  • October 20 -- Holy Hay Day
  • November 20 -- Advent Festival

WFPC Officers & Team Meetings

Session August Meeting Highlights

  • Approved a five-week Matthew 25 Deeper Dive study to be held from 5-6 p.m. Sundays October 6 through November 3.
  • Approved the service of communion around tables at the World Communion Sunday Brunch Church October 6 in the CLC.
  • Approved the receipt of a Wake County grant to install a drip irrigation system in the Giving Garden as well as the application for a Presbytery grant to purchase garden tools and equipment.

2024 Session

Congregational Life

Andy Dunlap

Jacky Wilson


Lisa Solomon

Marty Wakefield


Melinda Keen

Keith Thomas


Kathy Tharrington

Carol Winans-Geiser


Harold Panel

Karen Sperati

Worship & Music

Joni Amerson

Kathy Drake

Clerk of Session

Sharon Lineberry

Next Session Meeting -- 9/16 at 7:00 p.m.

2024 Diaconate

Branch Ministry

Joy Blanton

Traci Marchand


Joy Blanton

Traci Marchand

Fellowship & Events

Elizabeth Esguerra

Bonnie Habicht

Mike Honkomp

Eunice Shankland


Eric Earle

Karla Frye

Next Diaconate Meeting -- 9/10 at 7:00 p.m.

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