Open Door Newsletter
Welcome Edition - September 2020
Message from President Luis G. Pedraja

Welcome to the fall semester! Whether you are new to our college or returning after a break, I am glad you chose to join us at QCC. The beginning of a term is always an exciting time for everyone, but this fall will be unlike any other, as we hold our semester remotely. I will truly miss welcoming you back in person and seeing the campus halls fill with many new faces. Even though we will not be meeting in person, my hope is you quickly discover that QCC is a caring community and you feel welcomed with open arms.

There is a lot going on in these first few weeks –online orientations, virtual activities and classes, and getting to know new people. In the flurry of activity and adjustment to learning online, it is also easy to get lost or overwhelmed. In addition, many of you are balancing work and family responsibilities, which may take their toll. If classes, juggling a complex schedule, or other challenges begin to wear you down, please remember that there are support systems in place to help you along the way. Take time to talk to your teachers and get to know your advisor. Take advantage of virtual tutoring services and spend time getting to know the librarians and how they can assist you in your studies. You are not alone in this journey and we are committed to helping you succeed. Believe in yourself - we do!

In enrolling, you have taken an important step toward achieving your goals and we are committed to helping you achieve them. According to recent studies, over 64% of the jobs in the next few years will require some college, whether it is a certificate or a degree. In taking these first steps in pursuing your education, you are embarking on a journey that will make you more competitive in the job market, better able to adapt to the changing needs of the workforce, and enrich your life. As a result of your studies at QCC today, doors will open for you tomorrow. I know. I am an immigrant, who grew up in a poor neighborhood and was the first in my family to attend college. At times I questioned if I would succeed. Little did I imagine then that one day I would be a college president. Just as my college education gave me the necessary skills to succeed, I am confident that your perseverance in achieving your education goals will pay off in many ways for you.

Even though I will not have a chance to see you around campus or meet you in person, I have an open door policy and you can reach me by email at or by phone at 508-854-4203.  Lastly, be on the lookout for virtual meet and greet events in which you will be invited to connect with me online. Welcome to QCC, stay safe and healthy, and enjoy the fall semester!
Message from the Editor

• Write reviews on music, movies, and books!
• Send in your photography
• Showcase your passion to the campus community
• Work with fellow students at QCC
Elections and Leadership Opportunities
Student Government Association President / Student Trustee Elections
Vote, vote , vote!
Voting will take place from September 30 - October 2, 2020. Every registered Quinsigamond Community College student will receive a link, personalized to their individual QCC email.
Student Leadership Academy
Join our
Leadership Academy
QCC Leadership Academy will provide students with an interactive and comprehensive leadership program that facilitates leadership, awareness, and action on the individual, local, and global level.

For additional information and for the application process:

Upcoming Student Life Events
Fall 2020 Club Rush
Monday, September 28
Join Club Rush and learn more about student clubs at QCC!

Clubs are an integral part of QCC student life and are designed to add value to a student’s college experience. They offer students a way to meet other students and establish new social connections and friendships.
Last day of September
September 30, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.

How did it go? Let us know how September was for you! Bring a beverage or food and let's converse!

Student Leadership Academy
Kick Off
October 7 at 2:00 p.m.
Student Resources and Services
(click on the flyer for additional information)
Events Calendar

Check out the QCC Events Calendar and stay up to date!

Read more
Please reply to this email with any questions, comments and concerns.
Fuller Student Center
670 West Boylston Street
Worcester, MA 01606