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May, 2024

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA), CanAge, British Columbia Community Response Networks (BCCRN), Prevent Elder Abuse Manitoba, FARFO, RPMAFO, SeniorsNL invite you to attend our National Virtual WEAAD Event, 'Age With Attitude" on June 12th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm EST. 

This national WEAAD event is bringing together a panel of experts, political figures, advocates and concerned people like you, to engage in an inspiring discussion about how we, as a country, can end elder abuse and protect the rights of older people.

We all have a role to play in protecting the rights of older people. No matter where you live in Canada, you can be part of this shared journey to create a safe and supportive society.

Sign up now for our National Virtual Event to secure your spot for this important day and share widely with your networks!

Learn more at Canada's National WEAAD website:

Pre-Register Now

WEAAD 2024

Promotion and Planning Tools

This year we encourage you to use these materials in supporting this year's campaign, "Age With Attitude" using the hashtags #WEAAD2024 and #AgeWithAttitude.

A WEAAD Toolkit of resources and materials have been created to support you in planning events, designing educational and promotional materials for awareness activities, and for promoting your WEAAD events.

The WEAAD Toolkit includes: WEAAD logos, a Social Media Guide with ready made posts, social media image cards, e-mail signature images, Zoom backgrounds, and so much more!

WEAAD Toolkit 2024

Download here

Social Media Posts,

download more ideas here

Register Here 

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario | | 416-916-6728

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