September 2014

WCRG Matters
A monthly newsletter to keep members informed.
Conference Registration & Abstract Deadline: October 15

Plan to attend WCRG's 2nd Biennial Cancer Research Conference at Caesars Windsor on November 22, 2014.

Early bird registration and abstract submission deadline is October 15th.

 Click here to visit the conference website 

Featuring Two Distinguished Speakers


Dr. Craig Earle
Dr. Ronny Drapkin
WCRG's First Strategic Plan

The WCRG's Executive Committee has approved its first Strategic Plan. The plan introduces our core values and the 5 strategic directions that will guide our work. We hope you will take a few minutes to review the highlights of this new plan.
Meet WCRG's Cross Border Health Research Associate
On September 15th, the PASSPORTS initiative was kicked into high gear as Salma Aljannati officially joined WCRG as the Cross Border Health Research Associate. After completing her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Windsor, Salma moved to Toronto where she worked for major employers such as Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. We're excited to have Salma back in Windsor where she will focus on establishing a cross border research office. A main goal of her position will be to develop and facilitate standard protocols and procedures for successful cross-border health research.  Learn more about our new staff member...


Commercialization Research Associate Joins Our Team

Thanks to the generous support of the Cross Border Institute, Rebecca Williams has joined the WCRG team. Rebecca has a PhD in Molecular Ecology from the University of Windsor as well as a Bachelors of Education. In her new role as Commercialization Research Associate, she will focus on supporting WCRG members to advance the commercialization of cancer-related innovations and products.  Rebecca will be reaching out to many of you over the next few months and she hopes that you will contact her if you have any interest in commercialization. Learn more about our new staff member... 

Seeds4Hope Community Seminar Series

The Windsor Essex County Cancer Centre Foundation, together with the University of Windsor and their community partners, Windsor Regional Hospital and the Windsor Cancer Research Group are very pleased to announce the inauguration of the Seeds4Hope Community Seminar Series. Be sure to save the date: October 29th, 2014 from 6-8pm.

Click here to find out more about this event.
Upcoming Funding Opportunities

A complete list of funding opportunities is available on our website.


To strengthen your proposal, any submissions with a University of Windsor PI, please send to Natasha Wiebe, Office of Research & Innovation Services: (a) Word files of draft application, and  (b) ORIS form signed by you, your area head, and dean. Please send documents to Natasha at least 1 week prior to funding organization's deadline. For WCRG members affiliated with other institutions, please contact Karen Metcalfe for support.  


Funding Organization
Letter of Intent Deadline*
Proposal Deadline
Sept. 17, 2014
Oct. 15, 2014
Not applicable
Oct. 15, 2014
Not applicable
Nov. 3, 2014
Not applicable
Nov. 14, 2014
Dec. 15, 2014
Mar. 1, 2015
"Transitional" Open Operating Grant Program
Jan. 9, 2015
Mar. 2, 2015

 * UWindsor applicants: Please copy LOI to  Natasha Wiebe, ORIS