April 2015

WCRG Matters
A monthly newsletter to keep members and partners informed.
Get Your Tickets Now!


On Saturday May 9th, WCRG is hosting a celebration of the support we have received over the past year. This evening is an opportunity to get together and toast the cancer research being done in our community. The night will feature a jazz trio, appetizers by Vito's, beer tasting, a selection of wines and a number of official toasts. Come join us for a Cheers to Hope!



Note: You must be 19 yrs or older to attend


Don't Miss These Upcoming Events

WCRG will be participating in these events:


April 25th: University of Windsor's Research Showcase, Devonshire Mall 


May 9th (10am-4pm):

Science Rendezvous, University of Windsor 



June 26th: CIHR-STP in Cancer Research & Technology Transfer (CaRTT) and the Department of Oncology at Western University,12th Annual Research & Education Day 

Seeds4Hope Competition Now Open


Seeds4Hope provides seed funding for new and innovative cancer research based in Windsor and Essex County. This research brings scientists and physicians together to find better ways to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat cancer. Complete details available in the Seeds4Hope 2015 General Guidelines for Researchers.


Upcoming Funding Opportunities

A complete list of funding opportunities is available on our website.


To strengthen your proposal, any submissions with a University of Windsor PI, please send to Natasha Wiebe, Office of Research & Innovation Services: (a) Word files of draft application, and  (b) ORIS form signed by you, your area head, and dean. Please send documents to Natasha at least 1 week prior to funding organization's deadline. For WCRG members affiliated with other institutions, please contact Karen Metcalfe for support.  


Funding Organization
Letter of Intent Deadline*
Proposal Deadline
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation National Grants Dec. 8, 2014
April 27, 2015
 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
Research Grants
Not applicable
April 30, 2015
May 26, 2015
June 30, 2015
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Impact Grants

Quality of Life Research Grants
March 25, 2015

July 2, 2015
Sept. 1, 2015

Nov. 1, 2015

 * UWindsor applicants: Please copy LOI to  Natasha Wiebe, ORIS